Shameless self : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Well, I've gone and done it. The Diaryland dealie is easy for a computer illiterate moron like me to use, so I've started my very own online journal. Yippee.I'm doing it mostly because a) I like to write, though I'm not very good at it, and b) it amuses me.
So far, I think only my family has read it. Don't know if that's good or bad. So far, I haven't said anything too mean about anyone, except my boyfriend's grandmother, but he thinks she's an evil bitch too, and she'll never see it, so that's ok.
Well, if any of you want yet another journal to check out, the URL is
It's not nearly as funny or interesting as Beth's, but I lead a pretty dull existence.
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000
Stop apologizing about your site. Otherwise, why would anyone visit it?
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000
Joy - cue the celestial trumphets ... I agree with you.Laurie, please don't badmouth your own writing. If you think it's bad you shouldn't inflict in on the world. But I bet it's not bad at all.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
I appreciate the advice from both of you, and no, my writing isn't that bad. It's actually rather good. I just feel shy at times about sharing it with people, and as a result, tend to knock it when I know that it is, in fact, pretty good.A very nice person (sorry nice person. Can't remember your name because I accidentally deleted your email) even wrote to tell me that she'd wanted to nominate one of the entries about my animals for the humor category of the Diarist Awards, but it didn't meet the deadline requirements.
So, let me do this again...
Go check out my journal! You'll laugh, you'll cry, it'll become a part of you!
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Self-promotion.. Great. I just started this a week ago. I'd love to know what you think of it. Questions, comments, advice... Thanks!
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2000
lzor, Not bad at all. I think it's a great start. But then I live a somewhat boring life and I'm also a transpalnted Chicagoan living in the Dallas area. Pizza? Pizza? They call this pizza? Gino's, there's a pizza.
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2000
Oh boy, Jerry, pizza!When I go home to visit, my whole trip is planned around food - hotdogs from Demondog, a Maxwell Street polish from Jimmy's Original, pierogis at the Buzy Bee, and of course, pizza! I love Gino's. My other faves were Leona's and My Pi.
Sometimes, I think I'd sell my kid for a good pie.
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2000
After several months of reading online journals, I realized I REALLY wanted to do one. I chose Diaryland because it's a great place to be while learning HTML, which is on my summer agenda. Come see me! Becky Says Entries started on June 24.
-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000
HuaHuaville lives at diaryland too!
-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000
Now I'm doing it too, but switching to (yet another of the millions) a weblog instead of yet another diary. Maybe at a later time...Introducing Whatever.
(And hoping my HTML didn't suck.)
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
I've done it, too. After months and months and months and maybe even a year or so of reading other people's journals, I've decided to give it another go. You see, I did this once before, but after just a few entries, I decided I sucked, and I took the journal down. Well, I've done a lot of changing since then, so I am going to try again.I'd like a few people to check it out, and email me with your thoughts, ideas, etc. There is only one entry up at the time of this posting, I may do another tomorrow.
Anyway, here you go. I apologize in advance if the HTML doesn't work.
Pearly's Secret
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Okay, here I go pimping myself! Check out No Room in the Paper Journal at:
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
After reading all these journals for a while, it seemed like a good idea to have one of my own. You can find CrazyQuilt and other bits here at CrazyOldLadyJo
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Oh yeah, I meant to say to Laurie...don't count on getting anything at Maxwell street, since it is no longer there. Also, the Busy Bee closed it's doors last year...Too many yuppies, and too much gentrification account for both losses.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Corviosity, It's been up a little over a year. Y'all come!
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Man, that sucks! Busy Bee had the BEST pierogis ever!I heard that Jimmy's Original is still there though. Haven't they moved the market to somewhere near Maxwell Street? It doesn't matter, it can't possibly be the same as the Maxwell Street I grew up with. Didn't they build a parking lot or extend UIC's campus or something stupid on the original site of the market?
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Mine has been up since May ( There is a Xeney-inspired entry with cute cat pictures.I really liked this entry from Laurie. I read it before she posted her URL here -- I usually read the diaryland entries that are posted about the same time as mine are.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Gino's East?! Lou Malnati's *IS* pizza. As far as shameless self promotion goes, you can read all about my pizza eating escapades, and more - at close to me, my journal-in-a-weblog-format site.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
I just started doing mine (and I have updates, changes, etc in the works) BetterThanFiction. You'll get a new window.Haven't updated yet today, but I have an earful....
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
At you can find my diary, too, which I've kept for a month.You can see from reading it that my main obsessions are ranting about the corporate dictatorship we live in and doing very little about it.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
go ahead, check it out. you know you wanna...involuntary shudder
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Hey, thanks, Laura. I like that one too. and she is STILL making pickles! I told Sean his legacy is going to be a thousand quarts of pickles. Oy.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Read the archives not my recent stuff (it's really whiny).Suzyramble ~ the mutterings of a fool.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Yes I, too, am another Diaryland bunny. And I'm proud of it! My computer skills are negligable but I'm loving writing every day, it has totally opened up my life in so many ways.I sound like some sort of religious convert, don't I?
Anyway, this is me:
I've admired diary writers like Xeney and others for so long, I'm glad I finally got off my ass and started doing it myself.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000
Busy Bee may have had damn fine pierogis, but you really can't go wrong with Caesar's, which is a bit further south on Damen.Mmmm, pierogis.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
All the things you didn't even KNOW you wanted to know about a woman married to a transsexualI have a site connected to it dedicated to Brandon Teena
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Yep, they paved Maxwell Street and put in a parking lot. They sent the vendors packing to a new location, but I hear it's just not the same. As far as Jimmy's Original I don't know if it is there or not...could be. It's not one of the places I went to regularly. I like Al's on Taylor street for a major Italian sausage combo, sweet and hot, lightly dipped with french fries that'll harden your arteries from just looking at them. And for a little local color you can wonder about the gun strapped to the guy's waist there. Then after that you go for an Italian ice at Mario's across the street. Ummmm....goood.Pizza? Neither Lou Malnati's nor Ginos for me. I like the stuffed spinich pizza from Carmen's in Evanston. Haven't really found one in the city I like as much.
I'll try the perogies at Caesar's. Good tip. I've been making them from the frozen ones in the deli case at Jewel.
I gotta stop eating like this!
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Sorry about that...I I hope I did that html link right. Thanks all of you for inspired me to get my butt in gear and start something for myself. :)
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
ok, let's try one more
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Oh, I can't pimp my site enough...
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
The link. Right. (Mental note -- must learn HTML one day.)Boy, I hope that worked.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I too have recently jumped on the diaryland bandwagon.Check out "Insert Cute Name Here". (I can't ever think of good names for anything!) It's at scribblings.diaryla
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000