Looking for Mpeg-2 cut and paste editor

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Am playing with SVCD (with the ATI AIW 128) and would like to find an "inexpensive" < $100 editor. Something to just cut and paste Mpeg-2 clips. An IfilmEdit-like editor would be fine (for Mpeg-2)

-- Rich (richa@home.com), July 05, 2000



One good editor (for the price) is the Ulead Video Studio that can handle MPEG2 files. I think Its price is right for you.

Check out http://www.ulead.com/vs/features.htm for more information.

-- Josh (josh@hotmail.com), July 05, 2000.

Thanks for the tip on Ulead. Actually I own their Media Studio vs 5 software, but it is the "video edition" that came bundled with some hardware I purchased. It doesn't support Mpeg-2, however I can upgrade to their Version 6 which does for $200 (which I believe is a considerable savings over the outright price). The product you mentioned (Video Studio) is also available to me outright for $100.

I'm thinking I would be stupid to not take advantage of the $200 full version, but all I'm looking for is a simple cut and paste of mpeg-2 and not a full NLE package. If I can't find something simple and "cheap" I guess I'll have to spring for the Ulead $200 deal.

-- Rich (richa@home.com), July 06, 2000.

Video Wave III by MGI is the answer for you. I'm using it and it works great.

-- SB (svbou@hotmail.com), July 06, 2000.

SB. you used VideoWave III for VCD or SVCD?

-- Dominique (dominitri@yahoo.com), November 16, 2000.

I'm also looking for a simple cut and paste editor for MPEG-2, and I would buy the bigger packages like Media Studio. But I also do not want any further uncompression/recompression. It seems like the advanced NLE packages assume we are going to apply effects or add to the signal, so it doesn't seem like they allow just simple editing which doesn't modify the original IBP frames, but just cuts and joins it.

TMPGEnc MPEG tools allows cut/join but it is quite laborious since it doesn't allow multiple spans within a single file. Has anyone used the more expensive NLE packages like Media Studio 6, and can say that they won't require recompression using Ligos or something like that?

Thanks, Bill

-- William Katz (bkatz@cognitrol.com), December 14, 2000.

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