lyrics for : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Where can I find the lyrics for "Battleflag"? I can't listen to it on my computer because I don't have speakers. I have the song, but can't understand the words. Thanks!
-- Kristal (, July 04, 2000
Way back in early March, someone asked a similar question, and here is the address to that thread: fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002hXG
-- Roybal (, July 05, 2000.
Here's a new site where you can find the lyrics. There are also some songs along with their lyrics that have appeared on ER. You can download them too.
Abigail, Carterologist
-- abigail (, July 06, 2000.
Thank you Roybal and Abigail. The websites were both helpful!Kris
-- kristal (, July 07, 2000.