MISLEADERS: A post from TB I never answeredgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
FROM TB I:http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002gq1
. I have had that business dealings with a brokersupplied certain food products to Michael Hyatts Y2K Prep Company. I was told that Hyatt is nothing but a scam artist using his manufactured standing in the Christian community to spread fear for profit. He has a business manager named David Dunham that buys the cheapest products and peddles them as quality goods. I was told that Hyatts profits on his food packages are the highest in the industry. Everything that Hyatt does is about selling preparedness supplies, especially the food packages. All you need do is read his messages and look at his site to see through his motives. The only remaining mystery is that anyone would continue to support him and why he hasnt been run out of town on the next train. For his scam to work he must have his followers in fear of something. I find it extremely repulsive when someone like Hyatt hides behind the cloak of religion to mislead the weak of mind. I seriously doubt that this man is a true Christian, as his conduct would suggest otherwise. The only reason his site is still up is more profits! He supposedly made a ton of money selling food and he and his partners dont want it to stop. People, if you truly want to purchase quality storage food products, Hyatt is the last person you want to deal with. In the end, Michael Hyatt will answer to a much higher authority.
-- Ra (tion@l.1), February 29, 2000.
I have lost all remaining respect for Michael Hyatt. He brags about 3000 members but how many have left his forums? He refuses to support his moderators unless they spew his rhetoric! I am tired of his crap!
-- Free at last (Foundout the truth@brainwashed.com), February 29, 2000
Hyatt's BB closed: conspiracy theories welcome Part II
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread
Hyatt's BB closed: conspiracy theories welcome greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread Hyatt's SRL discussion group is not available at the moment. The official line is as follows: We are moving the entire website to a new server in order to better serve you. The new server will be faster and the company managing it provides 24-hour support, 7 days a week. With as much activity as we now have on this site, this is something we can no longer live without. However, in keeping with the sceptical, cynical spirit that prevails here at TB2000, I'd like to discuss any alternative theories you might have as to why Hyatt's BB has suddenly closed. I think there's a good chance that all his moderators have been kidnapped, possibly by those pesky reptoids from the lower fourth (sorry, Lower Fourth) dimension. If you've spotted any of these moderators anywhere--for example on other BBs to which they have been lured by the latest mind control techniques (well, what else could have possessed them to leave, eh?)--please let us know. Any other ideas?-- Richard Dymond (richard_dymond@northdoor.co.uk), February 28, 2000 Answers I appreciate Michael Hyatt; his last book is a fabulous resouce for where to get nearly every survival product imaginable. His site has definite goals and objectives, are you foolish enough to think every troll out there will respect those rules? There is a difference between control, and preserving order and protecting something. I notice my teenagers only complain me of being controlling when they want to engage in activities that I am sure deep down they understand are not acceptable. Bottom line- it is HIS SITE, not an open free for all. If you don't like it, then stay at TB2000.
-- I (like@michael.hyatt), February 28, 2000. FYI, Hyatt had been plannig this move for over a month. Just routine. But, he HAS alienated a BUNCH of people over his behavior lately, as have his moderators. For those that want a different flavor, Dorrit (the Admin there until she quit), has a board of her own now. Find it HERE BTW, the UFO and conspiracy stuff turns me off in a BIG way...
-- Dennis (djolson@pressenter.com), February 28, 2000. --good for you Dennis! certainly wouldn't want you exposed to anything that is outside what YOU consider normal and acceptable, Heavens to betsy, you might swoon from the vapors!
-- nooneever (lies@toanyone.gov.corporations.orgs), February 28, 2000. I agree. The government always tells the truth and never misleads.
-- Braindead Sheeple (Braindead@Sheeple.com), February 28, 2000. Now really, people! I invite you to speculate--in depth and at a top level--on the internal goings-on at Hyatt's shop site, and all you can do is snigger, smirk, and make fun of the issue. For shame!
-- Richard Dymond (richard_dymond@northdoor.co.uk), February 28, 2000. You're right Richard,Just another shop site.Main product,FUD,............Fear,Uncertainty,Doubt.
-- hk (skeptic@home.com), February 28, 2000. I think that idle speculation does no good at all. Michael Hyatt made it quite clear that his boards were being revamped in whatever form he so chooses. IMHO, Hyatt is a good man with interesting viewpoints and information. He was having some problems at one point with religion zealots on his Spiritual BB, but took steps to deal with it. As I understand it, the BB had turned into an Armageddon Festival between various pre and post tribulation fundamentalist Bible folks. That sort of dialogue can get pretty heavy and exclusive of other points of view. Other than that, I thought the Hyatt BB were quite well done.
-- Irving (irvingf@myremarq.com), February 28, 2000. Mr Hyatt is a nut.
-- ImSo (lame@prepped.com), February 28, 2000. As a former insider let me assure you that the excuse of changing servers is a bunch of bunk. He told his members and insiders several months back he was changing servers but it never happened. Instead he had the site pruned to 30 days to help with the speed issues. He never admitted to anyone that he never made the move or explained the short life of the forum's threads. MH is definitely a conspiracy sympathizer. Insiders called him that to his face as far back as spring of 1999. This is a last ditch effort to relieve the heat he has brought on by a lack leadership and supporting his moderators. Hyatt's moderators are dropping like flies and yet he can't or won't stand up and support them. Lastly, I don't think that Hyatt himself knows what his forum is about. Before the turn of the millenium it was to counter Y2K propaganda put out by the government and the traditional news media. Now, he has changed the name to Self-Reliant Living, what does that mean? certainly not 'chemtrails' and government conspiracies against it own civilians. Personally, I think Hyatt would have been better to accurately name his reinvented forum to something like Rubby Ridge Support Forums or Washington Wash. I am not writing this to be vengeful as I am sure some will draw this conclusion, I am writing this to expose the truth from an insiders first hand perspective. Many people were hurt as a result of MH's failure to lead and do the right thing--no apology needed for educating the public about the possible ramifications of Y2K--BIG apology needed for his ego and not saying "enough is enough the conspiracist go" or admitting not admitting his true beliefs that the government is after everyone and his or her dog. A former insider
-- A former insider (conspiracy_crap@MHneeds_a_brain_transplant.duh), February 28, 2000. The last person is right--I know this because I am another "former insider". The truth is, the present board is much more to Mr Hyatts tastes. It is how he truly feels. He is writing a book on privacy issues and conspiracy theories go hand in hand with that. Dont expect to see less paranoia there, you will see more. Black helicopters, chemtrails, concentration camps and the NWO are the main event now. 98% of his Moderators have left because of it. There are MANY threads on the MH board where the members and Moderators told Mr Hyatt how they felt. He just doesnt believe it, because the new paranoia crowd is all he has left. The "straw that broke the camels back" was this thread--still active... read it for yourself. http://www.michaelhyatt.com/discuss/ubb/Forum37/HTML/000127.html
-- notgoing there (dontyouwish@duh.com), February 28, 2000. Dennis, thanks for the link to Dorritt's new site- I bookmarked it for future reference....looks worthwhile.
-- Jo Ann (MaJo@Michiana.com), February 28, 2000. Michael Hyatt's trying to recreate his board into a paranoid, anti- government, conspiracy place to envoke enough fear that members will buy his survival guide and book on privacy issues. He's back to hawking those long term food plans and gold and silver(owned by his good friend). Fear sells. So once again MH will try to incorporate it into the board.It is set up as a business. He moans that his website is costing him $4000 a month. There are much better boards that are hosted on free sites. The only problem is no one is buying it any more. He has lost his credibility and his ethics. He should lose the title of self-reliance and rename his board the Jerry Springer show. I suspect it would fit right in with the calliber of some of his members now.
-- ENLIGHTENED AT LAST (nevergoingback@anymore.com), February 28, 2000. It took this long to see thru the bullshit???? Good greeeef!!!!
-- lp (longtimemember@hyattsite.com), February 29, 2000. Thanks, insiders, for your illuminating inside info. So the other "server change" that was supposed to have happened a few months back was not a server change at all? Looks as if Hyatt's been telling fibs. Good work, people. Anyone else want to chip in? I have heard it on the conspiracy grapevine that both "Y2K Prep" (as Hyatt's shop site--really must get my backspace key fixed!-- used to be) and "Self-Reliant Living" are in fact part of an internet venture designed to raise capital in order to help out an ailing publishing company that Hyatt is involved with. Can any researchers out there verify that?
-- Richard Dymond (richard_dymond@northdoor.co.uk), February 29, 2000. There was no server change. I doubt there will be this time either. You can answer that question for yourself by seeing if the thread becomes inactive or not. That should tell the story. I dont know about the publishing company.
-- youwish (forgetit@thistime.com), February 29, 2000. I have had business dealings with a broker that supplied certain food products to Michael Hyatts Y2K Prep Company. I was told that Hyatt is nothing but a scam artist using his manufactured standing in the Christian community to spread fear for profit. He has a business manager named David Dunham that buys the cheapest products and peddles them as quality goods. I was told that Hyatts profits on his food packages are the highest in the industry. Everything that Hyatt does is about selling preparedness supplies, especially the food packages. All you need do is read his messages and look at his site to see through his motives. The only remaining mystery is that anyone would continue to support him and why he hasnt been run out of town on the next train. For his scam to work he must have his followers in fear of something. I find it extremely repulsive when someone like Hyatt hides behind the cloak of religion to mislead the weak of mind. I seriously doubt that this man is a true Christian, as his conduct would suggest otherwise. The only reason his site is still up is more profits! He supposedly made a ton of money selling food and he and his partners dont want it to stop. People, if you truly want to purchase quality storage food products, Hyatt is the last person you want to deal with. In the end, Michael Hyatt will answer to a much higher authority.
-- Ra (tion@l.1), February 29, 2000. I have lost all remaining respect for Michael Hyatt. He brags about 3000 members but how many have left his forums? He refuses to support his moderators unless they spew his rhetoric! I am tired of his crap!
-- Free at last (Foundout the truth@brainwashed.com), February 29, 2000. A question for these "insiders"...if you disagree with the happenings on the board now and have walked away why the need to publicly flame and not even have the !@#$% to sign your real name? I notice Dennis does....got to give him that. (come on Dennis calling people names like you did certainly did deserve that warning you got!) I have been a member of MH's board pre and post rollover. There are many good people who remain there and there are many good people who have recently joined. The biggest "problems" have seemed to be the "former insiders" who insist on coming back again and again to harass, hound, badger, pester, plague, bait and torment. If they don't be careful us "paranoid", "low callibers" will start to think they are "conspiring" against us and we'll have to start a thread about it. Mr. Dymond....is that your REAL name? Me? I prefer to remain anonymous.
-- Just (me@noticing.stuff), February 29, 2000. A few people have sent me the link to this topic and asked if I made any of the above posts. I'd like to simply say, no, I didn't.
-- Dorrit (tbungard@potc.net), February 29, 2000. Just asked: Mr. Dymond....is that your REAL name? Yes, it's my real name. And on Hyatt's BB I have posted under the names of LevelHead, Nobber, Nobbit, Passerby, Sarsaparilla, and finally Level. No secrets here. I'd like to see the insiders reveal their names too, but I still appreciate their "inside info", even if they choose to remain anonymous.
-- Richard Dymond (richard_dymond@northdoor.co.uk), March 01, 2000. Re: Me's post, I don't see any flames here about Hyatt. As a former long term insider I just see insiders who are divulging the truth. NO flames just truth and sometimes the truth hurts. NO one has said that all the members of Hyatt's boards are bad people, in fact I know that many of the members that were there for the pre2000 workup are good respectable people and I am sure there are some that have joined since that are the same... It is likely the minority who are out of controle with fear that are the onse that are the most vocal... Many others have just stayed silent or left. As far as people going back to "harass" people, have you ever thought they too have a stake in the forum, they can voice their opinion even if it is a minority of those who voice their opinion. If Mr Hyatt and his forum are above reproach then, he will set his members back to zero and have everyone signup again when his re-re- revamped forum opens (assuming it ever does) so that his membership counter isn't lying... With the number of people who have left or have multiple usernames I bet he has less than a 500 active members... the rest have gone their separate ways or been silenced by an attitude of "conspiracy crap" (as another person posted)
-- br1ght (br1ght@yahoo.com), March 01, 2000. Level! Hello! I found your posts at MH's BB intelligent and interesting. They added an energy and another point of view many were grateful for. I was sorry when you were banned. Undeserved IMO. Hope MH reconsiders your membership. A loss for all if he does not. (By the way, if one were to go back thru the posts between you and Dennis it was Dennis who first called you the FOOL!) Of course you do realize that any "inside info" posted here only provides more witness to the sort of problems that have recently plagued MH's site. These people have an agenda not so different from their own complaints about the gov. and news media pre-rollover. They want to CONTROL everything you and I say and read. Seems to me MH's problems had alot to do with trying to support his moderators without banning his entire membership! Pre-rollover these moderators chastised and banned mercilessly. Notice in your case MH didn't come forward out of nowhere. He only came forward in the "effort" to support the people who had a problem with your posts. You rocked their little boat, you said things that would have required them to think outside of their little "box". Any way to bring this thread "to the top" and bring these "insiders" out in the open? I for one would like to see them put their name to their "judgement" and to have their "judgement" exposed for what it is! Michael Hyatt's name is out in the open. "Nothing breeds fairness faster than visibility. Visibility is simply another word for truth."
-- Just (me@noticing.judgement), March 01, 2000. Br1ght- No flames? Yes flames! Read the posts! What is the truth? "Insiders" deciding what everyone else hears? YES, someone did say "the new paranoia crowd is ALL he has left". There is no stake in something if you have left it. If Mr. Hyatt's membership has gone down (why so interested in the numbers game anyway?) maybe it is because the worst of y2k has passed and maybe it's because former moderators have banned so many of them. "Conspiracy CRAP" is only a judgement of some not of others.
-- Just (me@noticing.anger), March 01, 2000.
-- To the Top (helpinghand@interested.com), March 01, 2000Answers
If you don't like it-don't go there!!! Get a life! What mindless rhetoric sniveling about Mr. Hyatt's board. There's hardly a sight I visit where I agree with everything. But I gain something from my visits even if it is only entertainment. BTW, his humor category is hilarious.
-- morgan (bitbybit@eoni.com), March 01, 2000.
OK Mister Conspiracy Theorist...before you advance any more crap around here, you should learn to cut, copy and paste correctly! My post on the referenced thread was in praise of Michael Hyatt. As I recall, it was the post AFTER mine that made the nasty ad hominem assault you wrongly attributed to me.
-- Irving (irvingf@myremarq.com), March 01, 2000.
Irving and Everyone,Sorry I did the cut and paste not the original poster.I interested in this topic and tried to help someone who asked to bring it to the top.
I'm new at this and it didn't come out right. It is confuseing the way it is. Sorry.
Don't go by the spacing. The poster at the beginning of the paragraph is saying what came before not after. Maybe this whole thing can be deleted?
Oh dear me I won't try this again. So sorry Irving.
-- To the Top (helpinghand@interested.com), March 01, 2000.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 04, 2000
Okay, creeper. Here are some snippets from your massively fucked up cut and paste job.Hyatt is nothing but a scam artist using his manufactured standing in the Christian community to spread fear for profit.
I have lost all remaining respect for Michael Hyatt.
I am tired of his crap!
But, he HAS alienated a BUNCH of people over his behavior lately, as have his moderators.
BTW, the UFO and conspiracy stuff turns me off in a BIG way...
You're right Richard,Just another shop site.Main product,FUD,............Fear,Uncertainty,Doubt.
Mr Hyatt is a nut.
Personally, I think Hyatt would have been better to accurately name his reinvented forum to something like Rubby Ridge Support Forums or Washington Wash.
Dont expect to see less paranoia there, you will see more. Black helicopters, chemtrails, concentration camps and the NWO are the main event now. 98% of his Moderators have left because of it.
Michael Hyatt's trying to recreate his board into a paranoid, anti- government, conspiracy place to envoke enough fear that members will buy his survival guide and book on privacy issues.
It took this long to see thru the bullshit????Creeper, does it really seem to you that you needed to "answer" that thread? If not then, why now? I'm really worried about you...
-- (Anonymous@Polly.com), July 04, 2000.
WORRY...........about your ability to READ correctly. There is not ONE SINGLE COMMENT FROM THE WONDERFUL and ADORABLE "CPR" above.CPR
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 04, 2000.
CPR...Note your thread title, "MISLEADERS: A post from TB I never answered"
Note my response, "does it really seem to you that you needed to "answer" that thread? If not then, why now?"
In other, simple words that you should be able to comprehend...you correctly state in your title that you never answered that thread. It is also quite apparent to the casual reader, that there was no need for you to answer it. But, for you to post it now, 4 months later, indicates that it deserves attention now. I ask again, if you felt the thread needed no answer from you then, why do you feel the need to post it now.
P.S. - Speaking of yourself in the third person is symptomatic of psychological pathology. I'm still worried about you...
-- (Anonymous@Polly.com), July 04, 2000.
TB I as in TB 2000 VERSION *I* was never answered.NOT "I" as in "the Great I am".
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 04, 2000.
But aren't you "The Great You Are"???Coulda fooled us ; |
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), July 04, 2000.
yeah thats right cpr is the guilty one, and Hyatt is a saint. Don't forget to send Hyatt a 'love-gift' while you're at it.
-- Give Hyatt more money (dough@to.hyatt), July 04, 2000.
>> cpr is the guilty one, and Hyatt is a saint <<Isn't this what's known as a "false dichotomy"?
-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), July 04, 2000.
yeah thats right cpr is the guilty one, and Hyatt is a saint. Don't forget to send Hyatt a 'love-gift' while you're at it.-- Give Hyatt more money (dough@to.hyatt), July 04, 2000.
Well, you're close... creeper is guilty of being a bore. is guilty of selling food in bulk... FOR A PROFIT !!!!!!!!
A better target for you wrath would be the Mormon Church... they require ALL of their members to STOCK-PILE a FULL YEAR of FOOD and SUPPLIES as a prerequisite for being a FULL MEMBER of the church.... Shudder.... such foolish people.
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 04, 2000.
Net Waste
Stock food is NOT a Mormon requirement (OR DOCTRINE) for "full membership". It is a suggestion for Church Members based on their historical needs pre-1900 in Utah.
Try again. Some day you might get one thing correct.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 04, 2000.
Creep says of himself, "There is not ONE SINGLE COMMENT FROM THE WONDERFUL and ADORABLE "CPR" above."Netghost was wrong about a lot of things. But, there is one thing about which there can be no doubt, "creeper is guilty of being a bore." Creep proves the absolute correctness of Netghost.
-- (Anonymous@Polly.com), July 05, 2000.
creep, working with, and knowing Mormons very well, you are full of crap !!!!!!... as usual.The Mormon Church requires that you have 1 year of supplies STOCKED UP....... no reason for that as far as I can see, BUT IT IS A REQUIREMENT WITHIN THE CHURCH.
Of course, Chuckie is always right :-)
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 05, 2000.
-- (Is cpr the@second.coming?), July 05, 2000.
LOL...... I'd bet he couldn't cum the first time :-)
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 05, 2000.
Netty,As per usual you can't post anything correctly, or legibily when you try to personally bash someone. In fact you must be frothing at the mouth so much that you can't even use comprehensible sentences.
"Well, your close ... creeper is guilty of being a bore. is guilty of selling food in bulk...FOR A PROFIT !!!!!!!!"
Are you accusing CPR of being both a bore and selling bulk food for profit? If not I must remind you that you are becoming as incoherent as Al-d. And with the raving about the Mormons and their personal storage habits I fear you too will slip over the religious, overzealous edge as our friend Al has.
Please Mark, get a grip and wipe the spittle from your monitor.
Sheesh! Will you ever learn trailer boy.
-- Friendly Ghost (heain'tc@sper.com), July 05, 2000.
creeper, or should I say, Friendly ghost... I see you're as retentive as you usually are... can you see which finger I'm showing you?
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 05, 2000.
How is stocking a years worth of food ever a foolish thing? If you were to ask my grandparents, who scraped through the depression, I think they would consider it wise.So what if your back goes out and you can't work for a few months? (Been there). That stored food sure comes in handy when your kids are hungry. (Again, been there)
-- cin (cin@cin.cin), July 05, 2000.
Shhhh.... don't tell charlie, he'll be all over you as a doomer :-)Cin... oh, never mind.
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 05, 2000.
Netty (AL-d),Sorry, I'm not CPR.
Just thought I would let you know so you can suck the right dick. Don't care which finger you've got up your ass, dipshit.
-- Friendly Ghost (heain'tc@sper.com), July 05, 2000.
Netghost, thanks for displaying your ignorance on this subject!
-- netty no mormon (he@is.moron), July 05, 2000.