Pls help, how to add music to the photo album (use win on cd 37) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello, everybody, Whose know how to add music to the photo album, I have been sucessful to use win on cd to make vcd photo album, but when i play it in vcd player, we feel so boreing, because no sound, only the picture... If anyone know, pls tell me... thank you very much! sorry my poor english! If don't mind, pls tell me more detail?

-- Martin Bill (, July 02, 2000


What you are trying to make is an mpeg still slideshow with music background. Its not quite the same thing as a photo cd. Use the VCD Extended editor and from there you can drag and drop images and wave files to the outline. When played in a standalone VCD/DVD player, it won't work quite the same as the menu structure for a photo cd, but you can set up menus for each wave file if you wish.

Note that some of us have experimented unsuccessfully with this option. The ones I have done have scrampled sound on standalone players yet will play fine if you open windows media player on your PC and load the .dat file. This appears to be a standalone player issue and I have yet to hear from someone whose player will do this. maybe in the next gen. of players.


-- Tygrus (, July 02, 2000.

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