Bad sound : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Whenever I watch chinese vcd's on my computer there is bad sound. It seems like there is some kind of echo. And the sound doesn't match with actor's voice. This is of course extremely annoying. Can someone help me?

Thank you.

-- Anolom Sourakit (, July 02, 2000


Barring very rare possibilities, it can only be one of two: either you've got a very poorly done audio/video out-of-sync VCD (very common), or that is one of those VCDs that have a bilingual soundtrack: usually ch1 is Cantonese, ch2 is Mandarin. You can scarcely do anything about the first, but if it were the second, you can find out where your s/w player's audio controls are and select only ch1 or ch2, so you hear only one voice. The default is both channels (or stereo), which can give the effect you are experiencing.

-- EMartinez (, July 03, 2000.

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