Diarist.net Awards - Quarter Twogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Hijacking the forum for just a minute!Get your nominations in for the Year 2000 Quarter Two Diarist Awards.
For more information, go here
Some important notes to remember:
1) Please be sure that the entry you are nominating is *** within the awards time frame.*** This quarter's window for awards is April 1 - June 30, 2000, WITH THE EXCEPTION of the Outstanding Entry award. Outstanding entries can be from ANY time within the life of the journal with (quoted from Diarist.net) "Preference ... given to entries posted before the awards period (or before April 1)."
2) Please be sure you are sending in the CORRECT URL of the entry that you are nominating. If you are nominating an entry that is on a framed site, please open the entry frame in a new window and use THAT URL in the nomination. Last quarter there was an AMAZING number of entries that were "saved" because we were able to look at the comments field and determine which entry was s'posed to be nominated.
3) Use the comment field! Write in the date of the entry to be nominated to ensure that the proper entry gets nominated.
The Open Nominations will be closed on July 15, 2000.
Have fun!!
-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000
I guess putting in the address would help.
For more info, go here.
Sorry about that.
-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000
I don't have a journal, can't nominate, and don't even know exactly how to put the URL in the forum. But I thought Molly Zero's Father's Day entry was really moving and took a lot of guts, and I wish somebody would nominate it.http://www.impudence.com/journals/sleepwalker/200006/entry5.htm
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000
Is it horrible to pimp our own site? It's Always the Quiet OnesActually, we're just trying to get it more out in the open, we'd appreciate anyone who checks it out.
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000
oops, stupid naethe correct url is http://www.quietones.com
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Oh, well, while we're pimping our own sites... I of course think Parietal Pericardium should win all the awards.... or maybe just outstanding entry for the chronology (wow, that felt really arrogant, but it isn't romantic, comedic or dramatic, so that's the only entry category it really fits).
I'd really like to see Caoimhe and Mary Ellen's journals get a nod. They're both good new journals that deserve a wider readership (at least go check them out). And I think that the squishy entry about finding bugs in her workplace and freaking out in the bathroom should get Best Comedic, but even after much searching, I can't find the entry (grr). If anybody knows where it is, I'd love the url so I can nominate it.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
har! Joanne, I second your nomination of "Chronology" - in fact, its one on my list of suggested nominees that I posted to my weblog.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Joanne, is this it?http://www.pamie.com/March00/24March00.html
If it's not, I'd love to see one that makes me laugh harder!
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Yay, Julie! That was it. But, it was written before April 1 so I can't nominate it. Ack. (Everybody, go read it anyway.)
Lynda, I'm touched and flattered and feel all warm and gooey inside! Thanks. And thanks for the other links; I've been reading through them and they are great.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Periwink, I really appreciate your comment about my Father's Day entry. Mwah!Sleepwalker
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Aw, Joanne, you've made me blush...
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Just when I thought my journal reading couldn't get anymore out of control, I stumble in here and find myself clicking over to Parietal Pericardium. I have *tons* of work I need to get done today and now, into the archives, no motivation. Love the Chronology! My own.
Happy writing.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Wow. Thanks Joanne. Who deserves niminations
Definately Mary-Ellen and Dora and Cameron - shit Cameron I don't have your url memorised - I'll come back later...
All great people with outstanding journals. Go read and nominate.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
The only reason I toyed with keeping a journal again was so that I could vote for Jon-Jon. Brilliant stuff.Also, it'd be nice to see some people from outside the OLJ 'scene' get some nominations. Tomato Nation is as much of a journal as anything else is, and Wing Chun doesn't update on a daily basis, but her journal is always funny and entertaining.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
I'm still trying to figure out what the olj 'scene' is...
And now Maureen has made me blush (love Saturnine, Maureen - maybe it should get best design. Pretty.)
This feels like one big ol' lovefest. Everybody hug.
I really think the problem with awards is that there are way too many good journals to choose from amongst. I don't envy the awards panel their job.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
I don't have a journal, so I can't vote...but this is such an amazing entry...someone needs to vote for this for me.http://www.p laintivewail.com/pw/may00/5_24_00.html
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
I don't believe you need a journal to vote. Hope not, because I already voted. I love plumcrazey.
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Oh Joanne, now you're making me blush and the sad, sad fact of the matter is I'm not responsible for the design. My friend Michael is, and I'd link to him and his journal but he's a bit shy.I agree - I don't envy the panel's job at all. Off to read more...
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
My favorite entry is from Scott's 'Erasing':May 31st - Toccata and Fugue
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000
Bill Said: I don't believe you need a journal to vote. Hope not, because I already voted. I love plumcrazey.
I'm not exactly sure where you "voted", but for the official Diarist.net Awards you *do* need to have a journal in order to vote. A valid URL is required upon voting. Votes that come through without are disregarded.
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2000
I don't who to vote for. I forgot to book mark entries that I thought were good and deserved it. Some people (like Jackie) have ideas for nominations, listing the categories and who they're voting for in what, and they help alot.
Does anyone else have any other list like this?
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2000
I can't vote either, but I am with Mel. I love that entry in Stee's journal. It makes me cry everytime I read it.
-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000
i'm with the 'drinks with your ex' stee vote.... but only because that very same day i had drinks (lunch) with my (soon to be) ex husband. and the whole experience was *exactly the way he had described it.* it was just freaky weird.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000