Thanks Aeon! : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
Hello Boys and Girls, friends and fellows Aeon fans! My name is UnknowN and I would like to first thanks Peter Chung for being a creative god in the world of animation. I felt Peter was able to make several changes/impacts in the way people viewed animation. One impact was the introduction of the first animated female international spy to grace the american tv, not to mention more dangerous then sexy. (and we all know how sexy Aeon is!) The second impact was the open minded, creative story line that made us all wonder, "What the hell is going on, and how the heck did she etc. etc.?" After my first encounter, I found myself craving for more, this was no ordinary cartoon. I remember taping every last second on mtv! Most animation series are based on the good guys winning in the end, however in the idea's of the Aeon Flux series Aeon may die or save her own ass in the last second. Truly the best ever made.P.C. I have to thank you for what you did for us, you are amazing. Aeon is and always will be my favorite series. I feel lucky to actually be able to thank you for your unbeleivable work. I hope someday you might release some new Aeon action... I see you have some demand for it :) Good luck in your new adventures and feel free to drop me a line anytime, I'd love to get an email from the master himself! Thanks again P.C. ,,,,,you da man!
I would like to thank the hosts for this bbs and all the work you've put into it. You have done a great job. Two thumbs up! I wish I could offer something of Aeon to you as a nice gesture to improve your site, however it looks great the way it is. ice work ;)
Last but not least I want to thank all the fans for the love and support of Aeon, it's you that help to keep her alive. Web masters of the Aeon Flux Web Ring,,,,,You Guys All Rule!!!!!!!
Nuff said eh :) UnknowN
-- UnknowN (, July 02, 2000