The value of preparation : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Being involved in the local civil defense organization, I got to hear the actual preparation stance of the city and county governments. The emergency services director told a meeting I attended last fall that FEMA was very worried, and had told him that he should prepare to take care of thousands of refugees from a nearby big city for an indefinite period of time. By a coincidence, we ran into him yesterday in a local sandwich shop. He told us that they have used *every* piece of equipment that they got for Y2K in some other capacity. He mentioned specifically that they had had to evacuate a nursing home to a currently closed nursing home facility that didn't have running water available, and they were able to use the emergency water piping that they had installed for Y2K along with a water tanker to make the closed nursing home habitable quickly.

-- objective observer (objective@observer.cim), June 30, 2000


I appreciate news showing that being prepared was SANE behavior based on known facts. I doubt that having been prepared has caused much hardship but rather has on occasion been a "godsend" as shown by objective.

-- fauna (xx@xx.xx), June 30, 2000.

Would anyone, including my Family, be interested in the pounds of testimony, I printed out? Those high dollar, MID/IT blathering idiots. who have built an empire. Call them to task,and don't let them slide or skinny.

-- My Story (, July 01, 2000.

FEMA Urges Consumers To Keep Y2K Preparedness Items

While the Y2K bug didn't bite, the preparations Americans made just in case are still valid. FEMA Director James Lee Witt is encouraging those who bought bottled water and extra food, batteries, flashlights and other equipment in anticipation of Y2K problems to keep the items on hand.

"FEMA recommends that families always have a disaster supply kit that contains items you'd need if services were unavailable for a few days," said Witt. "Those families that prepared for Y2K were doing the right thing whether those supplies were needed over New Year's or not."

Some news outlets have been reporting that people are returning batteries, flashlights and generators, among other Y2K preparedness items.

"Being prepared for a winter storm, a hurricane or earthquake is good policy," Witt said. "We congratulate those who prepared for Y2K and urge them to begin the new year prepared for any eventuality."

Witt added that those who bought more food than they can easily store, might want to consider donating it to area food banks.

Disaster Supply Kit Information

-- (Always@be.prepared), July 01, 2000.

From your practical to my philosophical your post title opens a wealth of perspectives.

y2k prepping was a life change for me. Sad considering I live in prime earthquake country but better later than never.

Probably the best and worst was being on the outside of the mainstream but having the mainstream (neighbors,family,friends) always over my shoulder. Always asking, always ingratiating just in case I was right and they wrong. Grasshoppers still make good friends but but now I'm more choosey and cultivate the ants.

Overall a good experience.

-- Carlos (, July 01, 2000.

So far the food preps have sustained a family who had no income for one month. A recent flood made preps great security right here at home. Some of the preps, including medical preps, went to a seriously ill person. Most of the preps are either still with us or have been replenished. I don't ever want to worry about not being able to help when necessary.

-- helen (b@t.s), July 02, 2000.

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