have you seen the most incredible images from Burning Man 1999??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

check out the photos from Burning Man i finally got online!!! phew! http://www.5medicines.com/burningman99pix/burningM.html

in joy! heartLove!

-- heartLove! (burnbaby@5medicines.com), June 29, 2000


been there, seen that.....but thanks for the tip! muah!!! heartLove!

-- heartLove! (burnbaby@5medicines.com), September 29, 2000.

been there, seen that.....but thanks for he tip! muah!!! heartLove!

-- heartLove! (burnbaby@5medicines.com), September 29, 2000.

try supersnail!

-- cthulhia (cthulhia@lse.org), September 29, 2000.

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