MIS-LEADERS: 1998. Watch the 2nd Tier Doomzies Whup the Anti-Doomergreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
the 2,000 year scare is a LIE.
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread
The difference between 1900 and 2000 is only 1 day. There will be no global meltdown. Only a slight additional paper record will be needed. This is the worst case senario.This is simply another ploy to Make money. I have refited many computers for less than $100. Others will have to be replaced. My bank ran a test and had no problem with the y2k problem. This whole thing is a fake way to cause fear and make money for the doom and gloom sayers. I am not fooled or impressed. Dennis......
-- dennis pearson (dennispearson@hotmail.com), August 22, 1998Answers
Step right Ladies and Gentlemen! Place your bets!You can bet on Hamasake, Yourdon, North, Bennett, Webster, Yardeni, et.al. Should you lose, you will be stuck with a few thousand dollars worth of food and supplies that you can use anyway.
Or you can bet on our fiend Dennis. Should you lose, the stakes may very well be the lives of your children.
What do you say, any takers?
[Dennis, I imagine that I am a lot older than you. I have founded four companies, and now sit as the Chairman of an International Corporation, which I also founded. I feel that I am neither easily fooled nor impressed, but I can read.]
Ah, well. You can teach 'em but you can't learn 'em.
-- Lon Frank (none@thanks.com), August 22, 1998.
DennisI think your surviving relatives will miss you very much.
-- Uncle Deedah (oncebitten@twiceshy.com), August 22, 1998.
Dear Dennis,I would LOVE to believe you. Unfortunately I've read the GAO reports, Senator Bennetts testi- mony to congress and as said on the other reports some undisputable top ranking programmers Perhaps you should read more, and honestly I hope you'll come back and post again to tell us what evidence you found to substantiate your disbelief. I have a close relative who is in a position to be in the know who works for two major American car manufacturers and though he didn't believe at first he came back to me with acknowledgement that we are presently NOT year 2000 compliant within those two companies alone. If these two companies were to collapse, that alone will send us into a economic crisis you can't begin to imagine.
-- M.Doe (M.Doe@usa.net), August 22, 1998.
Dennis, My sincere appologies. Your post was honest and my sarcasm was unwarranted. I'm simply frustrated by friends and relatives who have given y2k a total of 3 minutes thought, and pronounce it "no big deal". In some cases, I know I will be the one feeding their children, if it comes to that. Seriously, do your homework. Read the various links and keep an open mind. You are obviously computer literate, so read Cory Hamasaki or Yourdon. By the way, no one has asked me for money, and I see little financial oportunity for the supposed "scaremongers".Again, my appologies. If you agree not to jump to conclusions so readily, I'll promise to refrain from uncivil response.
-- Lon Frank (none@thanks.com), August 22, 1998.
Patience is indeed a virtue.Mr. Pearson, the Y2K issue produces "GI's" and "DGI's". You have identified yourself as a "DGI".
If you have to ask what a "DGI" is, then you confirm my conclusion. Please do yourself, and anyone else you care about, a big favor...
-Pastor Chris
P.S. You can start here: http://www.lifetel.com/y2k2000.htm
-- Pastor Chris (pastorchris@lifetel.com), August 22, 1998.
I agree with the rest of these answers dennis. Please do us all a favor and come up with some evidence, any evidence that will substantiate your position. I will listen to anything that will prove a total collapse is not possible.Thanks, and good luck finding that evidence.
-- Barry Crewse (Bcrewse@compuserve.com), August 23, 1998.
At the risk of feeding the ego of an obvious troll, Dennis, please do some homework before so blithely dismissing y2k. Judging from your post (I have refited [sic] many computers for less than $100), you work on PCs, which are among the lesser of y2k-sensitive problems. Even they are not invulnerable -- check out Microsoft, Apple and IBM sites for their y2k fixes. Try to do some research, then come back and please, please prove to us that all this is a sham. Nothing would please us more.
-- J.D. Clark (yankeejdc@aol.com), August 23, 1998.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 29, 2000
What was one of these people "really doing"? Why SELLING FOOD disguised as the "every so helpful" Pastor C.
"Don't be lulled to sleep" FROM PASTOR CHRIS EX_Y@K FORUM
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Deleted Thread : One Thread
Don't be lulled to sleep
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Y2K Forum : One Thread
Don't be lulled to sleep by all the "positive" news on Y2K.If you read between the lines, things are not all that rosy. Around half the government agencies missed the March 31st deadline as did half of the White House systems.
What makes things even worse is that the number of "mission critical" systems has recently been mysteriously reduced. Systems designated mission critical a month ago are now not mission critical. This messes with the percentages and makes the overall result look better, but it's a smoke screen.
You will find the same "optimism" in the private sector. No head of any Y2K project wants to look bad. Optimistic estimates are the rage in the computer world. The problem with Y2K is that you can't move the deadline. IT people are not used to this, and they're beginning to get nervous.
Because of the war in Kosovo, the Russians have pulled out of working with the USA on Y2K. This is extremely serious. The USA and the Russians have been working together to make sure any false launch signals (due to computer errors) are not acted upon. We have experts in Russia helping them, and they have people over here, but now the Russians have refused to work with us.
Pay close attention to New York, Canada, Britain, and Japan. They roll over (today and April 6th) into their new fiscal years. Problems may or may not be immediately evident, but over time the "Jo Anne effect" will potentially take its toll. If problems become evident to the general public, you can bet that preparations will begin to escalate.
Even without widespread public concern, supplies are getting scarce. The time to prepare is now. If we have any type of serious "event" you can expect things to get worse quickly.
Remember...God is not surprised by what is happening around the world. Jesus told us that when we see these things we are not to be alarmed because He warned us that they were coming. In fact, He told us to look up!
I might add...don't sulk, buy in bulk!
-- Pastor Chris (pastorchris@lifetel.com), April 01, 1999Answers
"don't sulk, buy in bulk!"tee hee! :-D
Thanks for the post, P.C.
-- Deborah (infowars@yahoo.com), April 02, 1999.
Chris --- good post.
-- Bigdog (BigDog@duffer.com), April 03, 1999.
Pastor Chris,As the Good Lord says...(Isa 26:20 KJV) "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast."
(Hosea 1:10 KJV) "Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God."
(Hosea 1:11 KJV) "Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel."
-- Mark Hillyard (foster@inreach.com), April 03, 1999.
I also like the buy in bulk admonition.The scoffers have already started. "See, toldja it wasn't so bad, nananah." The cumulative data arrors will not even be apparent for a while. An 'asian tigers' stock account with a wierd statement here, a welfare check for $10 million bucks there, the errors will start accumulating all over. The media types may not even make the connection, much less Joe and Jane Sixpack.
There will be a thermal runaway effect soon, too much effort to correct, and it will consume the efforts of all the IT departments. When that point is reached, the real remediation work will stop and the final outcome will be sealed. I'm predicting August-September time, after GPS and before 9/9/99.
May He hold us all in His hand,
Man From Uncle 1999
-- Man From Uncle 1999 (mfu1999@hotmail.com), April 04, 1999.
Mark, would you stay on topic please!
-- Good grief! (what@wack.o), April 04, 1999.
I might add...don't sulk, buy in bulk!But only from ME... I've got dehydrated baloney sandwiches for sale...all in the name of God, of course! Step right up, I'll do some money- changin' for ya, right here in the temple!
-- Pastor Grifter (grifterchris@lifeshell.com), April 04, 1999.
Its 99% fixed. Now if we could just get this ON/OFF switch to work.
-- (Boilerman7@ powerhouse.com), April 04, 1999.
I suppose, in a Christain forum, it would be uncharitable of me to suggest that the imminent starvation of polly trolls will be one of the better results of Y2K.PJ in TX
-- PJ Gaenir (fire@firedocs.com), April 21, 1999.
-- Archivist (Watching@nd.waiting), January 14, 2000Answers
DUH. it should read "y2k forum". And don't click on the "contribute an answer" button OR the links and the top of the re- post, they won't work.
-- duh (duh@duh.duh), January 14, 2000.
Another old quote from Mr. Bayer that ties in with this"Katherine,
I am a local pastor. I called my friend who is in charge of Y2K at our local power utility (this is firsthand). He is a techie nerd type; he handles all the computer clitches at his utility. He fixes most of them himself. We're doing lunch this week for an interview for my web page, but I did get some answers to basic questions that might help you. (BTW...this guy is one of the most level headed people I know on planet earth):
1. He is convinced that no matter what anyone says, the nuclear guys won't be ready, therefore...
2. He is convinced that no matter what is done, the grid will go down.
3. He is convinced it will be a while before it goes up again.
4. He is convinced that the problem could be as serious as any scenario you wish to produce, especially overseas.
5. He is convinced that problems will arise that will beyond anyone's ability to even consider. In other words, problems that no one will be able to anticipate. (Without connecting the latest satellite snafu with Y2K, it's a good example.)
He is not a kook or a doomsdayer type. He's just being honest. Brutally honest. And he is storing food and preparing for long, quiet days reading Moby Dick.
Seriously, he's serious. And I would suggest every one else get serious as well. Keep smiling!
-- Pastor Chris (chrisbr@ptinet.net), May 21, 1998."
-- Adding (this@ll.2gether), January 14, 2000.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 29, 2000.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 29, 2000.
still centered? fixed?
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 29, 2000.
Aug '98?A new defination for hobby.
-- Carlos (riffraff1@cybertime.net), June 29, 2000.
The man has issues....,I hate ignoring people though, can't you contribute something interesting CPR?
-- Will (righthere@home.now), June 30, 2000.
Typical POLLY thinking at it's best!!!!!DOH! Y2K didn't cost me $.01. I went to the MS site and downloaded the fix. All is well. What a bunch of BS.
Gee, if I only had a site to get the fix for my 3,000 mainframe Macro level Assembly language programs, I would have been saying DOH also!!!
I did give the 750 COBOL programs a big DUH, with that nice little Y2K tool, but those MACROS are a bitch...
ROTFLMAO... <:)=
-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), June 30, 2000.