Your favorite "Brian" post : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Okay, here's mine:

Exactly! Ha! Ha! Atta boy, cpr. Nothing like a good riposte to put the fear of god into the doomers. Now watch 'em run away, whimpering and holding their hands over their heads while you stand erect, hands on hips, throw your head back and laugh richly and heartily at them, like Errol Flynn in that movie Captain Blood when the pirates ran away from him, all scared, like doomers running away from you.

Actually, Errol did it a couple of times in that movie. He did it in some other movies, too, I think. It's really worth watching him, just to get some good pointers on how to laugh at doomers. Errol was really good at that laugh, don't you think? Especially when his hair was long, and before he was such a drunk as he was later on. That was sad.

-- Brian McLaughlin (, June 28, 2000.

Brian, thank you.

-- (I'm a@little.teapot), June 29, 2000


It's almost a tie with this one:

Ooooooh! That Gary North makes me so mad! He should be just so ashamed of himself that he shrivels up and blows away. If he were a decent man, Gary North would be shriveled up to just about the size of a cricket, and crunchy, too, like crickets are when you squash them by accident and that gross yellow stuff oozes out.

I never squash crickets on purpose. They are sort of cute and they don't harm anyone, really, so maybe a cricket wouldn't be such a good insect for Gary North to be. Some other insect, maybe, the kind that are gross before you squash them and the yellow stuff comes out. That kind of gross insect!

I can't imagine why Gary hasn't withered under cpr's constant exposure of his crude tricks for what they are: crude tricks! It's enough to make me want to spit!

-- Brian McLaughlin (, June 28, 2000.

Thanks some more, Brian!

-- (I'm a@little.teapot), June 29, 2000.

Don't pick on the smart guys.

There is a whole host of lesser people you could poke.


-- -- -- (, June 29, 2000.


-- Mystery Guest (, June 29, 2000.

True Brian isn't exactly a mental firecracker but we need to keep this forum uncensored, even if we need to let the morons run off at the mouth several times a day.

-- Let the dimwit embarass himself (he@will.anyways), June 29, 2000.

My favorite was the one where he said he was wrong about Y2K.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 29, 2000.

Mr. McLaughlin (for shame those of you impertinently addressing the King in such a forward manner as Brian) is the benefactor of a little known microbial infection circulating throughout the damp, verdant swales of Ireland.

Science has revealed these microbial life-forms are drawn into societal subsets much as the plague classified Homo sapiens. It is this observers opinion Mr. McLaughlin has begun to gather to himself a small group of similar microbe-infected forum participants. Tell-tale symptoms of this disease include rampant cases of tunnel vision and the need to send others running away from their computer monitors in search of sharp objects.

Should an antidote be sought (say a screaming plea from Mrs. McLaughlin is heard hither & yon), I would be open to undergoing a quest in search of such a cure. Methinks it is to be found in the land of..Las Vegas!

-- Bingo1 (, June 29, 2000.

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