Mamelang and older dos/win betas of : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Can someone please say to me where I can find mamelang?I am also searching mamedos36b16 and mamedos37b01. Old version of mame in Marp stopped at mame36b15 so I don' t know where I can find it (I have searched but I hadn' t find it) If possible can someone upload this page with latest dos,win betas?
-- A.D.SAKURAGI (, June 28, 2000
if you want to keep current you have to get the version and archive it for yourself, you can't depend on the sites having what you want ( used to be pretty good but now i see they don't have any m37betas)you can get mamelang at mamelang32, i'd like to know if you have any luck playing back mamelang32 recordings and what you did to get them to playback.
I've sent you the dos mame versions 36b15 and 37b1 in email...
-- Chad (, June 29, 2000.