greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I like using "Ulead video studio 4.0" as i can line up a new audio track after capture and get this spot on.

the only thing is that i have to encode using nero using vcd.....this means that mpeg 1 or avi are then encoded to vcd to allow nero to burn them.

as you know the picture quality of vcd is not great and i would like a little improvement - but i would still like to use my ATI AIW 32Meg card and Nero and Ulead video studio 4.0.

is there a way to improve the quality of my vcd's how about if there was a way to make the capture better quality? like increasing the bit rate-can this be done??????

-- CAHOLLOWAY (Clive.Tcb@btinternet.co.uk), June 28, 2000


The encoding that video studio 4.0 has,is by ligos,the VCD setting does not let you have any control over the encoding,the bit rate can not be changed,Ive tried,I think video studio 4.0 is great but the ligos encoder is crappy,it does not matter how good the original capture is the ligos encoder will make it look crappy if it is set for VCD,good luck,have you tried TMPG encoder!!

-- tim redjepi (redjepi@austarnet.com.au), January 06, 2001.


There is a way to improve the quality of MPEG-1 files. You need to increase the bit rate. Read Thumper's post about this very subject subject on the Pinnacle DC10+ message board. There is a link to yet another message board where you can download a template file containing all the right settings to make an MPEG-1 with a higher bitrate. It works great. I tried it myself this week. Good luck.

http://webboard.pinnaclesys.com/read_messages.asp? WebboardID=1&ForumID=9&SectionID=2&ThreadID=39915&ThreadStart=0&Pos=0& cntThread=2878&lng=1

-- Thumper Strauss (thumperstrauss@hotmail.com), January 06, 2001.

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