NEVADA - State's Computer Chief Resigns : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

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June 26, 2000

State's Computer Chief Lockard Resigns

By Cy Ryan


CARSON CITY -- Marlene Lockard, the director of the state Department of Information Services who guided the computer system through the Y2K crisis with only minor glitches, is resigning.

Lockard is the latest in a growing list of holdovers from the administration of former Gov. Bob Miller to leave the team of Gov. Kenny Guinn. She has resigned her $92,000-a-year job effective July 31.

"It's time to leave," said Lockard, who has held the top job 4 1/2 years. She said she does not have any plans for the future.

"I may retire," she said.

Lockard worked 21 years for Sen. Richard Bryan, D-Nev., first as his administrative assistant when he was attorney general, then as his chief of staff when he was governor and as state director when Bryan was elected to the Senate.

In her present job, she is in charge of the state computer system. She said she has stayed in the job to make sure the state came through the Y2K transition and to get all of the state's agencies on the Internet, a project called "Silver Source."

Her resignation came after a proposal was unveiled last week to bring her department and the state Personnel Department under the wing of the state Department of Administration. Information Services and Personnel are now separate agencies that report directly to the governor.

Lockard said that has nothing to do with the resignation. No replacement has been named.

-- (, June 27, 2000

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