3000kbps, 2900kbps = final data or video only??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I've seen threads to help increase quality of the video in a VCD is to up the kbps or to digitize at a higher bit rate. Now when encoding using Panasonic Mpeg Encoder, I see threads to encode at a higher bit rate such as 2500kbps, 2600kbps, or even 3000kpbs. Now is everyone refering to the TOTAL (Audio + Video) bit rate, or just the video bit rate??

Thanks (I'm new to all this...)

-- M_Romeo (Asagiri@juno.com), June 24, 2000


it refers to both. i capture using a bitrate of 2900 and then use the panasonic to make it an xvcd with the 2500 bitrate, but yes it refers to both together

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), June 24, 2000.

hi Doug

A lot of people it seems are making XVCD's at 2500kb/s for video and 224kb/s for sound for a total of 2724kb/s. Think the Panasonic encoder treats them as separate rates. The video values are an average, bbMPEG is the only encoder I know of that gives a printout of all values and its surprising that sound in pretty constant but the video rate can vary like hell and I have had normal standard VCD's give maximum rates as high as 1850 for an average of 1150, interesting stuff, particularly from anamorphic 16:9

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), June 25, 2000.

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