Please Help If You Know : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am looking for the following Video CDs, please help me to get it if you come across where to purchase.

1.The Dobermans Gang (1972), directed by Byron Ross Chudnow, 2.Daring Doberman (1973), directed by Byron Ross Chudnow, 3.The Amazing Dobermans 4.The Turner & Hooth starring Tom Hank 5.K-9, starring James Belushi, 6.K-9000, direceted by Kim Manners

Thank you.

-- LEO PUI (, June 23, 2000


Hello, this is not an answer but, i was wondering if you alreasy know were to purchase the doberman gang from, and if so can you please tell tell me .

thanks for your help.. (if you still have not found the film, then good luck.)

-- Chris Ortega (, February 03, 2004.

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