Flash Slaves and Pre-Flash

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

In the review of the Canon S100, the statement is made "The flash is a "single-pop" design, firing one pulse for each picture, making it compatible with normal slave strobe accessories. (Some flashes fire a pre-flash before the main one, for metering purposes. Those cameras require a special "smart trigger" for slave flash operation.)In fact, the S100 uses a pre-flash (confirmed by Canon). My question is, how do I get a "smart trigger" slave to use with it?

-- Peter Solmssen (uarts@ispchannel.com), June 22, 2000


Here is a place to check out on-line. They also have an 800 number to call. They should be able to set you up with what you need. http://www.srelectronics.com/index.html

-- Ralph (REObert@aol.com), June 22, 2000.

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