Mole TV: coincidence - or conspiracy? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I heard a snippet on the radio yesterday about the new ABC TV show to capitalize on the 'wanna be a millionare' & 'survivor' fantasy/reality bonanza. It is another group process show, but with an undisclosed 'mole' or traitor in their midst.

How do you think our dynamic group would hold up in this situation? {Including trolls & *gasp* those with fake addys}.

Maybe the whole concept was stolen from us by that 'wannabe screenwriter' character {anyone seen him or Cap Slockman around lately?}. EH Porter or Andyray, think we have grounds for a lawsuit?

-- flora (***@__._), June 21, 2000


"Gilligan's Island", it ain't. Maybe "Married With All My Children"?

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), June 21, 2000.

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