kodak retinette 1b camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am trying to get information on this camera and also a picture as to what it looks like.I am a semi-professional photographer and have been offerd this camera in box with reciept dated 1960 for #2.00 from a friend who sells odd's & sod's. any help would be most welcome. yours faithfully jason

-- jason brown (jason.brown@freeuk.com), June 20, 2000


My book has a picture of a Retina 1b, but doesn't even list a Retinette 1b. It does mention a Retinette 1a - which was a non- folding type. Here is a picture of the Retina 1b.

Kodak Retina 1b

This shows it to be a folding model - so you should ask your friend if it folds or not.
But.. for two lousy quid I'd pick this think up in a heartbeat!
These are all German made cameras marketed by Kodak. The various forms of the Retina were from the 30's all the way to the 60's. You want to make sure the camera cocks & winds properly. I used to repair these things and the most common problem with the Retina line was a small part called the cocking rack. This rack would often strip and the camera could no longer be wound or cocked. The only fix is to replace the cocking rack - and they were very hard to find. Once I found a dozen of them - I used them to fix Retinas inside of a 4 month period - and mine was a small shop!


-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), June 20, 2000.

My First 35mm camera was a retinette. Great lens and unusual lever wind on the BASE of the camera! I have some Great slides taken with this camera over 30 years ago!

-- Rod Mackintosh (roddax@btinternet.com), June 22, 2000.

Go to Google and search for "kodak+Retinette+1B" and you will find a lots of pictures. For example: http://licm.org.uk/livingImage/Retinette1B.html http://www.toptown.com/nowhere/kypfer/35/ret-045.htm

-- T.Hammerl (foehammer@gmx.net), December 14, 2001.

Manual for IB Can be found here


-- Martin Wenc (misiek@start.com.au), April 22, 2002.

I would like to buy a Kodak Retinette. Does someone have one for sale ? Thank´s

-- André Buchmann (Buchmann@aol.com), January 17, 2003.

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