September Fast Company Article : LUSENET : M.Ed./Extension Forums at UMD : One Thread

September Fast Company Article

How to Wow an Audience - Every Time by Curtis Sittenfeld

After doing my final presentation and "talking at" everyone for 30 minutes, I wondered just how anyone could stay with me - as "talking at" people is generally not how I do presentations, but for this type of presentation - that was what was required. So, did I "wow" my audience?

In the article "How to Wow an audience - Every Time," Curtis Sittenfeld reports on a class that business people take to learn how to "inject more energy and flair into their professional lives." The article goes onto say, "if you want to get people's attention, whether during a formal presentation, a casual conversation, or a chance meeting on an airplane, you have to offer a compelling performance." So, just how do you make yourself into a "wow" speaker and communicator? According to Martha Burgess, who instructs the class, "you have to generate a high level of energy, without all the anxiety." So, using a "trigger exercise" she helps students learn how to internally energize and rise to the feeling of being "on."

Another interesting thing Burgess teaches is "shading" - a process in which the speaker uses a mix of spoken and unspoken words to convey their message. For example - when introducing yourself she recommends saying out loud "Hi, my name is Joyce Jacobs" - then pausing and thinking to yourself "I'm a warm and friendly person" - then out loud "I work for the University of Minnesota Extension Service" - then again pausing and thinking to yourself "and I love what I do." This "shading" or internal dialogue does seem a bit silly, but thinking the positive thoughts internally will block the negative - or the thoughts that you'd prefer someone not "hear" - such as "I'm scared to death" to come through and be heard - even when they are not spoken.

Well, I'm not sure I really want the answer to "did I wow my audience" - but I do understand the concepts of this article and the importance of having an energy level that makes you fell like you are "on" - as that is a feeling that I do get - at least most of the time!

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

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