English hamster has stunned animal experts

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


Ginger the English hamster has stunned animal experts by siring two record- breaking litters in eight weeks. In April his mate had 14 babies, twice the usual litter size of six to eight. Now he has sired 15 babies by another female.


The Age Newspaper - Melbourne 20th June 2000

Bro Possum, leader of the antipodean rodent push and on behalf of the anarchist "Rodent Revolution Down Under", extends a hearty congratulations to Ginger the English Hampster for a job well done.

Viva the Rodent Revolution!!!! We're not at all stunned like those socalled experts! Bah!!!

Posted by scribbling scrivener,

Regards from OZ

-- Pieter (zaadz@icisp.net.au), June 19, 2000

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