Sgt. Friday Big Mouth's Profits WIPED OUT in One DAY. : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Strange. Not a post from the Buffoon all day long. Why? Could it be because he got his clock cleaned playing in commodity Calls?? Oct 2000

Oct 00 8510 8510 8190 UC 8190 15:02 - -404 8594 Call Put future 8510 8510 8190 UC 8190 15:02 - -404 8594

9000 400 400 300 UC 300 14:47 - - - -185 485 525

-- cpr (, June 16, 2000


Uh, hey idiot, as you yourself ain't September yet.

-- rpc (, June 16, 2000.

Lol! I've never seen someone get so pissed that he was wrong! Hey ceeper, gas prices are almost double one year ago, you freeging retard. If you had a brain you'd be a half wit.

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), June 16, 2000.

  U.S. gas prices at a glance  
 Average self-service price per gallon, including taxes,
for regular unleaded gas from May 22 to June 12  
 Region 5/22 5/29 6/5 6/12  
 U.S. $1.52 $1.54 $1.56 $1.63  
 East $1.48 $1.49 $1.51 $1.54  
 Midwest $1.55 $1.60 $1.65 $1.80  
 Gulf Coast $1.45 $1.45 $1.47 $1.48  
 Rocky Mtn $1.50 $1.51 $1.52 $1.54  
 West $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59  
SOURCE: Energy Information Administration

-- Hawk is a Bird Brain (, June 16, 2000.

3 weeks ago? Where's the prices from a year ago dipshit? The national average has got to be at least 1 and half times (150%) what it was, and is well on its way to being double, already is in some places. You must be fucking brain dead, you can't even read! LOL!!

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), June 16, 2000.

Hawk: Agreed....Used to fill up tank with 10.00, this week it cost me 18.00....for a 4 cylinder Eagle Summit Es...can turn it around in the middle of an alley:-)

Hubby's is almost double as well, 24.00 for his 4 cyl. grand am.

Up Up and AWAY!!!! living in midwest today......

-- consumer (, June 16, 2000.

No, as a matter of fact I was out of email contact for the last two days. However, as you yourself pointed out a couple of days ago, it isn't September yet. Also, according to the settlement data I saw, the October 90 call settled at 368, which according to my calculation is higher than 325, my purchase price. If that's "getting my clock cleaned", I'd hate to see what making money was like.

-- Sergeant Friday (just.The@facts.Maam), June 16, 2000.

"getting my clock cleaned" LoL! that sounds like a good thing.

These real estate my, that's what happens when you sell something that doesn't belong to you..

-- Will (, June 17, 2000.

MONDAY SETT: ** 333 ***. 9000 - - - - 14:47 - - 333 - 368 1193

And how much did Big Mouth Bass say his "transaction costs" were?

He'll be under water Domani.

-- cpr (, June 19, 2000.

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