Minox film price to camera price ratiogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
One roll of 36 exp Minopan 100 is about $8, and the price of a Minox 8x11 camera (TLX ) is $950 at www.minoxlab.com site. At present day, the price of a package of Minox film is about 1% of that of a camera.In 1939, a VEF Minox was advertised in Zurich for 290 Swiss Francs and a roll of 50 exp film was 2.90 Francs. The ratio then was exactly 100: 1
The price of film vs camera has'nt changed that much for over 60 years.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), June 16, 2000