Are you a homebody? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Or are you all rock and roll lifestyle like Pamie?
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I am a total homebody. I like being in my room, surrounded by my things and my music. I have control of my environment. Of course, I do go out, but oftentimes, I'd rather stay home with just me. Its more fun than inane polite conversation. Maybe I'm a homebody cuz i'm an old grump.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I'm a total homebody. Of course, that sucks when you're single, because I don't really get out and meet people...
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I'm not a "homebody". I'm a recluse. There's a difference: "homebodies" have spouses and families. I just stay home, read, watch video, brood, and order out for Chinese. I'll spend an afternoon at a local darkened pub drinking ale with other over- educated ne'er-do-wells once in a while, but I hate Going Anywhere. It costs money, takes time, and in the age of the internet and wireless, I don't even have to go out for sex. I dislike being around people in general, with exceptions only for a handful of friends like myself and the sporadic tall, leggy sex-partner girl half my age. Left to my own devices, I'd live totally in some deserted castle (with a/c and cable and DSL) and never go out.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I'm not just a homebody, I'm pretty much a room of one's own with a door on it person.Unfortunately, it's like Ike's second military-industrial complex warning (the professoriat getting hooked on federal grants): the second part of a room of one's own was "and an income of L500 a year."
Marriage drove him to work like drought drives a fish upstream, Faulkner said. Now, marriage drives both partners to work.
Luckily, Brenda's a roombody, too.
We go places together, we do things around the house together, in the yard, we watch sports or rented videos on TV together, and we have a social life, of sorts, at our day jobs.
But we each spend a lot of time in our rooms, on the computer, reading and listening to music, or watching television.
A good day is not leaving the house, and a really good day is not leaving my room all that much.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I'm a complete shut in. Most of my friends are out of town, and the friends I do have in this city are completely exhausted and busy all the time. So am I, when I come home from work.On weekends, it's a bit different. I clean house, go out, have dinner with friends, go to the movies, wander around the cool part of town, that sort of thing. When it's nice out. I hate going out in the driving snow.
My boyfriend takes me out a lot. He'll say "Let's drive somewhere!" and the next thing I know, I'm in Red Deer.
But for the most part, I like my solitude. I always have. I just like it better if it's my own choice, and not because I have nothing better to do.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
Aside from karate class and SCA events, I never go anywhere, pretty much. Last move I saw was Gladiator; before that I think it was Phantom Menace. My wife and kids have been out of town for the past week, and how did I entertain myself? Bought a new computer game and played it all weekend. Didn't even watch TV.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I'm a weird combination: I love being at home and get antsy when my spouse tries to plan social things because I just want to be home. On the other hand, I can't stand feeling like I'm missing something and feel all bitter and mad because he won't go to clubs with me.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
I have always said, "You can carve out the roads you drive and place them in any city and very little will change". Meaning, we are creatures of comfort and habit. When we are out we are usually headed to familiar places and at home we hover around familiar/comfortable rooms.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
Many of my long term friends are getting married soon/have married recently.What does this have to do with anything, Grace?
Well, because they are all abandoning me and I'm a homebody, I've got to come up with something soon else I'll be just like the aforementioned recluse - and single forever! My life is getting sad.
I've never been a party girl. Wait! I take that back. I had a rebellious period where I went out a lot for 3 weeks when I was 18, but since I'm 26 and that feeling hasn't resurfaced, I think I'm in the clear.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
i'd like to thank caffeine, nicotine, rage against the machine and all other "-ine" words for my success.(and it's not just you, beth. birthday week is an ass-kicker.)
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
A little bit of both.I love to spend quiet evenings at home with a good book, the hubby-type and the cats.
But I also enjoy evenings out at the pub, hanging out with friends or "girl's night out" on the town.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000
Complete homebody. If I had to go out and work every day, with my luck I'd be away from internet access and so unable to make myself known on forums like this. Slightly surprised, Beth, that you didn't pick up the racial references in Phantom Menace. I thought they were pretty obvious myself, particularly the Chinese-sounding Trade Federation members
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2000
I don't label myself as a "homebody" per se. I'm not hugely outgoing, but if the occasion arises, I'll go out. I suspect a lot of the homebody in me is just because I've been running around all day long from place to place and am dead tired.As for vacations, though...depends on where we're going. My mother always wants to be going someplace new from sunrise to 11 p.m., and I'm like "can't we rest at home awhile for a change?" She considers it a waste of money to sit in the hotel room...argh.
What's sad is tonight I'll be in Reno, and what am I going to do there? Sleep :P
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2000