Identifying your IP : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Re: some threads that have appeared here about identifying someone by IP address.Just for fun, you can click this link and see your IP address.
If you're on a dial-up connection with a large ISP, try disconnecting and reconnecting (then re-clicking the link or hitting "reload," of course) several times. You'll probably get a different number each time you do.
-- Stephen M. Poole, CET (, June 15, 2000
Well, blast it, the link doesn't work anymore. (I just tried it.) Anyone have another link?
-- Stephen M. Poole, CET (, June 15, 2000.
Gary North had a link to it on his site, but I unbookmarked it. :)
-- helen (b@t.s), June 15, 2000.
There's a great new product to hide your IP address. Read about it here.
-- liu (, June 15, 2000.
There are many places that will read your IP number for you. Try,,, etc etc etc.
-- Fully Hidden (from@prying.eyes), June 15, 2000.
Here's a good one Stephen and gang. See what WE know about YOU ;)Privacy Analysis of Your Internet Connection
-- FactFinder (, June 15, 2000.
FF:Interesting. It identified my address as AOL proxy. It got my computer wrong, but identified by browser correctly. Otherwise it had little information on me, but a lot on AOL.
Best wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, June 15, 2000.
Z, ditto.
-- (don't @tell. on aol!), June 15, 2000.