Is this : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I need comments/suggestions...I been creating VCD's by following methods: 1. I use Media studio Pro to download my captured footage through firewire from Sony D8 camcorder. 2. I use Panasonic Stand-alone MPEG-1 encoder to encode the .AVI file to .MPG file. (I know I can also use Video Editor - part of Media Studio Pro to download and encode from sony d8 to hard drive directly as .MPG form but the resulting .MPG can NOT be played by WMedia player. 3. I use Nero 5009 to create VCD. Using panasonic as encoder and nero as burning software the resulting video looks like it was taken behind a glass or behind a see-through aquarium. There's like a foreground of a moving clear water in it. Is this normal resolution on VCD? My source video DOES NOT look like this. Comments please.
-- kulot ibay (, June 13, 2000
What you are trying to say is the video quality is blurry :) NO IT'S NOT NORMAL considering the source that you have.
-- lnguyen (, June 16, 2000.