Reminder for Nikon 990 owners : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Nikon promised to deliver a free Digital Image Enhancer program this month. It is now available at Anyone can download it but you must have the Nikon View software installed first for it to work. I don't know if 950 owners have the view software or not. I haven't tried this program yet but suspect that it is a "light" version that you can upgrade to a full version.

The documentation is still not available so hang on to the web address if you download the software.

-- bill (, June 12, 2000


Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten!

-- ted (, June 13, 2000.

A note inside the envelope packaged with the 990 stated the same thing. It gave the date June 1 for availability and the web address. I have successfully downloaded the program. The outlined program features and the size of this download (about 1.5MB) don't give much hope that this will be a very useful program, however. I will be looking elsewhere for a good image organizer/database with automatic image editing features like red-eye correction.

I am still using the Imaging Expert from the Epson Photo PC 600 that I bought. When you buy the Nikon, you are getting a great camera. All the other stuff (useful batteries, charger, a large memory card, software, AC adapter, etc) is cut to a minimum, presumably to be able to offer this excellent camera at a competitive $999 USD pricetag.

-- Jarrod (, June 15, 2000.

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