help.....PLEASE!!!!!!!!! !!! : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
hey peeplez!waz up? i really need help with my boyfriend. he is a major butt-hole. he really majorly needs help. i really like him sometimes and desperately want to kiss him and then 95.9% of the time i want to kick his donkey. we never talk and since school we havent seen or heard from each other. when i call him he doesn't talk he just lets me do all the talking and i sound like a dork! i leave a message and he does not return them! we have been going out for 7 months and we have only been out on 1 date and i am the one who asked him to go! when i write to him he never writes back! im sorry if i complain too much but i am going to break up with him and i need help on how to do it without breaking his rejected little heart! someone please help!God bless you, brooke page
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
Judging from what you've said, Brooke, I don't think you're going to break his heart by breaking up with him. It hardly sounds like you're actually dating at all.Just stop calling him. You don't see him, he doesn't call you, why should you complicate a non-situation by trying to end it formally?
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
What she said.
It really doesn't sound as though you need to do anything at all. Just stop calling, writing, etc. If you do feel a need to break up formally (though I think this is really unnecessary), perhaps the best way is a phone call - keep it simple and try not to over- dramatize.
Good luck.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
I don't know if I agree-- why leave him hanging? He obviously takes you for granted, and if you simply stop calling, he probably wouldn't notice. I say this: Dump his ass. Don't worry about breaking his heart. He probably doesn't even know he's in a relationship.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
are you sure he is your boyfriend?
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
Don't call, write, etc.... Just walk away and don't look back. If he's that insensitive, he's probably NOT going to notice (for too long, at least) that you haven't called, etc. Good lesson for him to learn now instead of when he's an old fogey (like mine are) and still don't treat a lady like a lady.In the long run, you're doing yourself, and all the rest of the females in the world a favor.
If only this was my biggest boy problem. Those were the days.
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2000