renting after having house repossed : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

we are thinking of renting a house after having our house repossed would this cause any problems with the landlord or law having a repossesion order against us.

-- mrs wistow (, June 11, 2000


This is one Question were ,there is only one answer yes you rent- you have not commited a crime and you have to live somewere.providing of course you are not renting a mansion! Any debt advisor or even your local authority would expect this and indeed it would be allowed in any shortfall payments that you would have to make -should it come to that(this would be an agreed monthly payment of the shortfall if it was agreed and admitted)infact many Local Authorities will help you to find rented homes on there books. So head up ,forward and start your life again!

Best wishes

Charles Twford

-- charles twford (, June 11, 2000.

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