need help 2 make videocd. im cluless! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i have dazzle usb photo and video maker internet edition. and a zip brand cd burner.with adaptech software. i made a cd rom with an mpeg file on it of a sitcom show. how can i tell if its a real video cd? do i need to record it in videocd mode? if there is such a thing) or what? i need help to find a program that will help ne make a video cd step by video cd an mpeg file? is it the same? help me please enail me. thanks a bunch dabiel.
-- Daniel (, June 10, 2000
The mpeg is not a Video CD yet. You need convert it to a different format in order for your DVD player to play it. If you use the .mpg file as a source, you can burn it using EZ CD Creator by Adaptec into a Video CD (be sure to use the Video CD portion of EZCD - it may say that the mpg might not work, but it only costs one CDR to try it - or you could use a CDRW).
-- dennis ostrem (, June 11, 2000.