+++ Hands up who wants a Dellazine T-Shirt?! +++

greenspun.com : LUSENET : dellazine : One Thread

So no, I didn't even ask You Know Who about this. I just thought "well she obviously has too much time on her hands- she should have a little project or something to keep her out of trouble this summer".

Seriously though, sj totally makes my day brighter with her xena-like dedication to this site. Hmm.. maybe Babs Bunny is a better analogy. Anyway, I'd definitely wear a dellazine t-shirt as long as it didn't have a pocket on the front- I hate that.

I can help with layout ideas and illustrator work, but I don't know jack about silkscreening. Plus the diva is always bitching about money, so we'd have to address that somehow.

Let me know if you think it's a good idea.


-- boze (boze@boze.net), June 08, 2000


just brainstorming here:

I have about 15 t-shirts from my previous job, plus 4 from my current meal ticket.. I think we should all mail sarahjane our most obnoxious symbol of our slave labor, and let her re-fashion them into della shirts. using sharpie pens. and scissors. whatever. she's a creative girl. I'd call it the "Take back the T-shirt" campaign.

-- cfg (cfgatlin@hotmail.com), June 08, 2000.

You know speaking of t-shirts, I have a story for ya'll that I meant to share earlier, but now it seems extra-appropriate: The other day I went for fries at the ghetto burgerking, and there's this skinny-ass crackhead in line with me. Her shirt is bright orange, and I glance over, there's something familiar about it. Glance again, notice the letters I-P-O are big on the front. Think to myself, jesus, San Francisco is out of hand when crackheads have IPO shwag. So then I just stare at her, and I see a Webby Awards logo in the corner. It's from the Webby Halloween party, "Initial Pumpkin (tee-hee, not) Offering". So I say to the crackhead, "I love yer shirt, where'd ya get it?" And she says, gesturing across the street, "Goodwill gots a big pile by the drop-off. Nice quality, too," she said, pulling at her sleeve, selling it to me hard. Once outside, I took a gander, and sure enough there's about fifteen identical bright orange Webby t-shirts on the sidewalk by the backdoor of the Goodwill.

Okay, that story is really only funny if you're familiar with the Webbys, so just trust me, it's REALLY funny.

If I hear from a couple of ya'll on this, I'll figure something out, no doubt.

-- sarahjane (sarahjane@dellazine.com), June 08, 2000.

I have one of those orange shirts.. mine came from the source. although I'd feel less shame if I *had found it at the Goodwill.

-- cfg (cfgatlin@hotmail.com), June 08, 2000.

That's so strange- I totally remember typing in a smart-alecy imaginary conversation where somebody asks me about my t-shirt and I tell them about dellazine. It's not in my post though... maybe I just dreamt it.

that recycled shirt idea is very clever and low budget. I think it's great of you to come up with something like that CF.

So definitely get the feeling that I like the spirit behind your idea, because that's what I'm trying to say up front.

That said, I'd honestly rather have a t-shirt that made Dellazine look more legit- hell even a little trendy. Have you seen the bg in BossGrrls fish pics? She keeps a careful house and the site is no slouch either. I wouldn't mind something a little edgy for a dellazine shirt- in the spirit of zine culture and all that- I think a sharpy exchange, while low-budget and righteous is a little too sloppy to get my whole-hearted approval.

I hope that doesn't sound too snobbish- I'd rather do Take Back the T-Shirt than nothing- but even more than that I'd enjoy a smart little v-neck with pastel piping and a little soccer number and my nic on the back and a dellazine logo on the shoulder (shoulder is better than tit I think- tit is so done- bellybutton maybe, but not tit).



-- boze (boze@boze.net), June 08, 2000.

FYI, boze: The snarky pretend conversation in your first post is hidden cause you put it inside <> and greenspun recognizes HTML, so it was basically rendered like an HTML comment (invisible). I only saw it cause I get the whole coded message in email. So it's there, but it's invisible to everybody. You can either use the actual HTML code for greater than and less than signs, or pick another separator, like maybe -- or something, to make your snarkiness visible to the world next time.

I made a dellazine shirt for the webby awards. It was a dark grey-flecked ringer-T, hand-painted dellazine.com in red glitter paint across the chest, modeled on courier type. Cost me ten bucks and I have to say it looked pretty damn cool, in a minimalistic kind of way. I can post a picture on the site for those of you who doubt my freehand ability. I'd be happy to do something like that for the couple of people interested in another t-shirt for their wardrobe and who are willing to pay for supplies, plus shipping and handling. Anything more elaborate would have to wait until demand is higher or until I finish my silk-screening class at City College (which hasn't started yet and which I'm not sure even exists, so you know, it might be awhile).

-- sarahjane (sarahjane@dellazine.com), June 09, 2000.

that explains it.

maybe you could put a poll on your index "Poll: who wants a dellazine t-shirt (like enough to actually pay for it, I mean"

okay, so maybe it's not as great an idea as it felt like yesterday. do post a pic of your glitter handiwork though- that might be fun.

-- boze (boze@boze.net), June 09, 2000.

I still think a dellazine t-shirt is a swell idea. I'll post the picture of the homemade version this weekend and let ya'll know when it's up.

-- sarahjane (sarahjane@dellazine.com), June 09, 2000.

good stuff.

I'll keep an eye out.

-- boze (boze@boze.net), June 09, 2000.

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