
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Which is better for video captue. A PIII 600 512k or A PIII 700 256k. I ask this question since, My PII 400 512k captures better than my Athlon 600. Thankyou for any answers.

-- wh1212 (wh1212@netzero.net), June 05, 2000


To evaluate 2 system's configurations for capture process , you have to conceder the following :

-the BIOS setting : is it optimum for your configuration (i.e. Cache, DRAM Speed, VGA Frame buffers est.) ? -Installation of proper Windows Drivers specially those for HD support like DMA/66 for IDE drives .. Check your mother board's supplied drivers -Check your active application while capturing ( anti virus, screen saver ,real time sound players . .est. switch all off

-Swapping your HD between the tow system's will not give the best result .. install Windows on both system's form the scratch for a fair evolution .

-- khaled Salah ali (Khaled_Salah_@hotmail.com), June 09, 2000.

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