Why am I such an asshole?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
please be breif, but I would like to know. [imposter troll. OTFR]
-- Steve Heller (steve@steveheller.com), June 05, 2000
Troll Alert!cpr ???
-- Troll Detecter (TD@trolls.are.losers), June 05, 2000.
"be breif"First its 'brief', and second, it would take an encyclopedia to tell the real steve heller why he is an asshole....
I can tell mr troll here is one just by his actions!
-- Idiot Trolls (go@do.something.else!), June 05, 2000.
You are an A-hole because Andy Ray says so and it takes one to know one.
-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 05, 2000.
Bow you fool before the big and powerful Andy. Bow Now. Pay homage to Andy. Andy for president.
-- creeping (thecreeper@sees.you), June 05, 2000.