Goran and Erik

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

This may only apply to the UK readers coz I'm not sure if the US and UK versions are the same but, there is a really good article in this months ELLE (May/June) about Goran Visnjic and Erik Palladino, where they talk about ER, the Characters and future projects etc. There are some really good piccies including Erik posing with his girlfriend (Grrr!!)! Anyway, it's worth checking out!

-- Vicki Baker (ms_peachy_pie@hotmail.com), June 03, 2000


The transcript and pictures of the Goran half of the article are at: www.dreamwater.com/aziel/index.html Go to the news section; its under "British Press"-"Elle Magazine". The "Erik" half is on the Erik page, (sorry, but I don't have the addy.) .

-- Jo S (jo.s@gvsite.zzn.com), June 03, 2000.

No, they're not the same, but the UK issue is also available in the US.

-- JLS (ewwhatevr@aol.com), June 03, 2000.

there you go then! there is also an article on Julianna Marguiles in New Woman - but it doesn't really give any new info!

-- Vicki Baker (ms_peachy_pie@hotmail.com), June 03, 2000.

did anyone else read those articles? i thought they were really good, although i am v. jealous of erik's girlfriend... still, at least we know he likes english women!!!

-- Rosie (happymoron@hotmail.com), June 20, 2000.

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