Distributing? where do I look for distributers?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am looking for VCD distributers, because I am thinking of opening a business...could you please help me?


-- Lem Ung (funtime208@yahoo.com), June 03, 2000


perhaps you should check out http://www.videocds2000.com e-mail the people there for their best wholesale prices. If i'm not mistaken, look for someone by the name of Mason.

-- Craig Jericho (craigjericho@yahoo.com), August 13, 2000.

Actually, the last guest was slightly mistaken on the address, but i agree that they are a good company to purchase from. Their real website is: sales@newvcds.hypermart.net

-- sara cable (srcable@hotmail.com), April 15, 2001.

Email "entertainment_video@yahoo.com.sg" They have good bulk pricing for video cds and region 1 & 2 dvds.

Merry Christmas Hans Torrance @ Dell

-- Hans Torrance (h_torrance@hotmail.com), December 27, 2003.

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