s-video VS component videogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i want to know something, the s-video is a lot better than composite, but is the same superiority with component video VS s-video? i see all the DVD players carry this outputs but only a few tvs carry them
-- Magnus Ver Magnusum (bufeo@hotmail.com), June 03, 2000
I have never used a S-Video, but I use the three component video cables from my DVD Player to my Sony Vega TV. Using the componet video, it is the best picture I have ever seen.
-- Jay (jlink84@yahoo.com), June 03, 2000.
Which Vega model has the RGB inputs ? I have the Vega 21inch bought in Singapore but it only has composite AV, no S-video etc.
-- Guy Nicholson (guynicholson@yahoo.com), June 03, 2000.
Hi Guys,I use a professional Sony studio monitor with a 450 line capability for editing and it has RGB, comp and svideo inputs that are switchable. Believe me there is a lot of noticable difference in the image quality when you switch to Svideo. Sometimes its frightening to see your stuff in svideo on a high definition TV, VCD's in my view are better viewed in composite to hide the faults. Believe me what you do not know about you do not see or indeed want to see. Beware the days of HDTV are upon us and that will no doubt show up all the problems. Not only that, the new 16:9 TV's with their svideo inputs destroy the VCD image, or perhaps they show it for what it really is, a compremise of convenience. SVCD on a 16:9 well............?
-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), June 05, 2000.