How do I purchase CeQuadrat Video Pack 4 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to purchase CeQuadrat's Video Pack 4 but I cannot find pricing or order information on CeQuadrat's website or anywhere else. I even called Adaptec who purchased CeQuadrat they only handle WinOnCd and not Video Pack 4. Can someone point me in the right directon?

-- Larry Kingsland (, June 02, 2000


BernClare Multimedia Inc. ( )just responded to my pricing inquiry re: this product. Their answer:

"CeQuadrat have discountinue the VideoPack 4.0, there will be a replacement version coming in about a month time."

Does anyone know of anything on the market NOW that works better than Adaptec's EZ CD Creator????

-- Larry Kingsland (, June 02, 2000.

Nero does the job

-- Frank Marshall (, June 07, 2000.

Not in menu authoring. Nero does not support menus and thats the main reason for using VideoPack4 it has the option to create multilevel menus but was awfully expensive - $900US as I remember so 5 is going to cost I bet, great end product though.

-- Ross McL (, June 08, 2000.

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