Miss any journals?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Beth's kinda long hiatus has got me thinking. I was wondering if anyone really misses a now defunct journal. I, for one, greatly miss Scott Liles' Medea Sin. Who would you bring back from the dead if you could?
-- Anonymous, June 02, 2000
Scott of Epinepherine and Sophistry - he's been gone a long time, wrote one entry back in the fall after having been away for months prior to that. His journal was pretty gripping, and ended in the middle of a lot of transition, and I still wonder how he's doing.
-- Anonymous, June 02, 2000
Come back, Beth. :(I miss Jeanne Lawrence. She had a journal on Tripod from maybe 1997 to late '98? It's still up here: http://jeannelawrence.tripod.com/, but hasn't been touched, nor does she respond to email or guestbook entries. I always wondered if she was "real." Her journal felt realistic, but her photo looked like a stock image.
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
I'd bring back Squirrel Bait by Megan O'Hara. That was one of the first OLJ:s I got into and could totally identify with. And she made me laugh till I cried...
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
I miss Dr. Scott's journal. I miss the other Scott, too- Mr Anderson of Words, formerly of Vancouver and now ein Berliner.And I miss Sugar & Preserve. A whole lot, I miss that one.
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
I miss Sugar & Preserve a lot, too, and I didn't even discover it until it had been ended for about a year. Sometimes I go back and read the archives.
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
Yes, Scott. I miss Amy's entries as well.Anna: Squirrel Bait is back as a journal/'blog:
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
Two Scotts, definitely ... Scott Liles and the Scott of Epinepherine and Sophistry, both already mentioned.
There was one called "If and Only If" that started as the anonymous continuation of one that had begun more openly, and I was hoping it would go on for a while, but she stopped updating after only a few entries.
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
sounds retarded, but i miss mine. i like the feeling of writing every day and the satisfaction of designing something all of your own. i keep telling myself i'll do it again...i'm hoping to relaunch by my 22nd bday.
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
Ohhhhh Android Sisters. amazing amazing read. kind of a journal, kind of many other things. I miss hanna's writiing and perspective, which was mind-bendingly affecting (and less redundant than that might sound). if anyone has any of hanna's words please let me know..
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2000
I miss Dr. Scott's and also The Daily Dose of Deb.
-- Anonymous, June 04, 2000
Deb's Daily Dose, Elizabeth Badurina's Atropine, Linda's Stranger than Fiction, Jim Valvis' Nothing By God...Damn, I miss more journals than I currently read.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2000
I'm with Ian- I miss mine, but frankly I'm too busy to get to it, plus I'm in a totally different state than when I last did it...and my host site then has developed suckage problems galore.I miss Beth (at the moment) and Zach's various incarnations- I know he does a blog now, but it's somehow not the same. I quit reading all my journals when the two of them took off around the same time.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2000
I miss I Am Becoming, and Sugar and Preserve.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2000
Definitely Sugar and Preserve. Lisa (of Speaking Confidentially) and I had a discussion just the other night about scanning forums for Kim's posts, trying to put a journal together from the bits and pieces we hear from her now.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2000
I also miss Deb of Daily Dose. But mostly Beth--I'm really missing my daily fix.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2000
I miss Sugar and Preserve, and I wish Georgina of Shimmer Like a Girl would update more often.
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
I really wish "If I Wrote You..." were continuing. I just recently discovered it, a couple of months after it ended. Damn, that's some fine writing!
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
Yeah, I miss THIS ONE. Beth, I hope your hiatus is going well....and WE MISS YOU!
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
Angie: Kate of If I Wrote You posts relatively frequent updates to her notify list. I don't think she's gone forever.I also miss Nothing, By God. I went through the Sugar and Preserve archive and wish it would start up again. I wish Chuck of chuck'stake would update more. I'm missing Ri, although she is busy preparing to get married. And, of course, Beth.
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
I am enjoying the hiatus a lot, actually ... accomplishing a lot, getting more sleep. I'm sleeping in and working out in the mornings in the time I used to spend doing the journal. I'm sure this won't last forever, but I'm sorry to say I'm not in a hurry to come back.
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
What?? You dare to have a LIFE?? Beth, what's gotten into you? You get right back here his minute, young lady.I miss both the Scotts - Medea and Words/U2.
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
Good for you, Beth!I'm surprised I'm the first one to mention this one: I really miss Sage Lunsford's Coffee Shakes. I know she's busy in the woods with the child and the husband and all that - and it's all good - but I miss reading about her daily life. She is an excellent chronicler of everyday pleasures,
Monique, do you happen to have sign-up information for the "If I Wrote You" notify list? I tried going through Kate's old archives, and couldn't find any info.
Feel free to also point out all the obvious places I missed...
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
Heh. Well, we could always do the "you do the weblog today" thing again while we wait for her...I've found a bunch of bizarre links lately.
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2000
My whole journal scene is on a bit of a hiatus at the moment..Beth's having a well deserved break, Mavis is gearing up for having her baby at 'erm', Heyoka's been AWOL for ages at 'Reckless sleeper' and Jenni is still settling in to her new home at 'Jennicam'. Getting hooked into a journal is a bit like dating, initially they give you lots of attention and get your interest raised but as soon as you're hooked they stop calling you.... bummer! : )
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
Four journals constitute "the whole journal scene?"
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
No MY scene, the journals I check everyday to see if there's a new entry.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
We miss you Beth. Come out, come out wherever you are.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
Kate of "If I Wrote You..." will definitely be back, but the journal will change titles. If you can't find her notify stuff (I can't find it either), her journal email addy is katydid_115@yahoo.com. She'll add you if you email her. :-)As for me, I miss Sugar and Preserve. All the time.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
Someone kindly pointed me to this page and I have to thank the folks who said nice things about my journal.I definitely agree with Beth's sentiments though. It's nice to have a bit more time to do what you have to / want to during the day. I've been going to the gym a lot more (and weigh more because of it, but not in a fat way). I've stopped gelling my hair. And I feel a lot more humble now that I've stopped writing about myself (or gelling my hair, maybe, not sure which).
I'm also slightly embarrassed at some of the half-assed things I wrote in the past and will not even look at my archives because of it. Weird.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
Scott::::: No gel is ok. No journal is not ok. Think of your patients [I mean, readers, out there in the dark].
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
Scott: Why don't you drop the readers on your list a note from time to time and let us know what you're up to?
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000
i miss erik of coffee dog journal.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
The ones I will miss reading soon are MEMORY and DESIRE and Oddities. Technically they haven't called it quits yet but Laurie of MEMORY and DESIRE wrote an entry recently about ending her OLJ after 3 or 4 years of doing it.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
I miss Gabby. Turns to Stone, Fragment, whatever. Her voice is so strong and yet hints of the fragile.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
Like so many of you, Sugar & Preserve. I go back and read Kim's archives from time to time.And Beth! Miss you dearly! But I understand. I eventually burn out on I everything I love to do.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000
I've thought it over some and I guess I would have to say Toni's Lagniappe, though she seems quite content with leaving the journal world in pursuit of other projects. In fact, most of the journals I used to like have gone the way of the dodo and they themselves seem perfectly fine with it. As for me, I may be back someday. Then again I may not. Thanks to those of you who still think of me. It's nice to be appreciated.
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2000
scott the doctor. jim valvis. naked eye.
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2000
After reading the last few entries, I've decided I also miss the old Gus. Watching his descent into soft core porn has not been nearly as amusing as I had hoped.
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2000
I agree with Lisa - Sage's Coffee Shakes was my first journal addiction and I miss her terribly. She definitely had a gift for making her daily life hysterically funny. Have you found Todd's new Journal, Back to Basics? I have to admit it's not quite the same as having Sage herself, but it's still nice to hear what they're up to.
-- Anonymous, June 18, 2000
I really miss amital journal. The address was http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/3185/. If anyone knows where this moved to please let me know. Thanks, Fred
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001
My whole journal scene is on a bit of a hiatus at the moment..Beth's having a well deserved break, Mavis is gearing up for having her baby at 'erm',Dude! That baby is like 9 months old now - I should hope to GOD you dont think she's still waiting to give birth!! She just moved her site, that's all. Her new site can be found at http://www.sbsb.supanet.com/
I miss Byron of "The Semi-Existance Of". Would like to know what he is up to these days. And Evan of "Why".
- t
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001
This thread is, like, a year old... that comment you quoted was made almost a year ago.
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001