Quotably Quoted #666greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Some consider what I have to say to be obnoxious and mean spirited but not me.
Vindicated Regards,
Andy "Going Postal" Ray
-- Andy "Going Postal" Ray (antichrist666@hotmail.com), June 02, 2000
Some are so foolish as to respond to my obnoxious and mean spirited threads.
Vindicated Regards,
Andy "Bingo1" Ray
-- Andy "Bingo1" Ray (howe9@shentel.net), June 02, 2000.
Someone has just discovered where to find the document source, ain't they smart? Bet they think they are a "real" hacker now.
-- Cherri (sams@brigadoon.com), June 02, 2000.
I know how to copy code too! It's Easyand It's Fun! Just like me!
Andy "the kritter" Ray
-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), June 02, 2000.
Aw c'mon you guys. You're gonna makeCherri mad at us if we keep it up.
Vindicated Regards,
Andy ""Going Postal" Ray
-- Andy "Going Postal" Ray (antichrist666@hotmail.com), June 02, 2000.
Who cares if Cheri is mad at us? All she can do is pollute this forum with her farts anyway. (Hold your noses!)
-- (yuck @ up.chuck), June 02, 2000.
Posting in teal font is obnoxious.
-- David L (bumpkin@dnet.net), June 02, 2000.
Hey wow! I'm inside Andy Ray's head!
*sniff* *sniff* What's that stinky smell? Did somebody forget to take out the garbage?
Vindicated Regards,
Andy "rotting grey matter" Ray
-- Andy "rotting grey matter" Ray (antichrist666@hotmail.com), June 02, 2000.
hey-don't use part of my e-mail address in your handle.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), June 02, 2000.
Going postal, kewel! shootarama< /a>
-- (saith@the.Lord), June 03, 2000.