I dont understand my olympus or my floppy

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi, my name is Diana and I'm writing because I bought a flash path floppy disk adapter and I install it and until this day I can't even thake out the whole picture correctly. I even downloaded from the internet but I can't even do nothing with it because the pictures comeout half of it and the otherhalf I don't even see it at all or it never print the third or forth page.Please help me solve this problem. My e-mail is ldianame@aol.com Thank You, Diana P.S. Please write back soon.

-- Diana Rodriguez (ldianame@aol.com), June 02, 2000


Diane, check your email.


-- Virgil Howarth (vhowarth@aol.com), June 03, 2000.

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