buffer underrun

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Attempting to make first vcd. Finally configured an mpeg to be acceptable to ez cd creator and nero 5.0 but both programs fail at the end--stating buffer under run error. My system: amdk63-450, 256 pc100, 2 ata66 drives, pyro, ati aiw, sb live andricoh 7060, pioneer dvd. Iedit dv video with no problems but do have tweeks in place to insure capture and editing work ok.

-- mike velte (velte@home.com), June 01, 2000


Have you tried burning an image first and then the CD from the image?

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), June 01, 2000.

It is basically a problem with feeding the burner with data continuously. A detailed explanation and solution about buffer underruns can be found at this site:


-- Romeo (rrjuan@hotmail.com), July 13, 2000.

i had the same problem with adapted. myne was caused by windows being in control of the power where it switches the HDD off after a certain time. if found this out by watching the burn process and then as you hear the HDD power off the buffer empties and there goes your burn.

Turn off the power managment in you windows setting and your problem should be solved, also change to nero ITS MUCH BETTER

-- kellyc (kellyc@pqafrica.co.za), January 16, 2001.

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