HOW DOES THE XL1 DO IN THE HUMIDITY? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I'm shooting a documentary in Key West and Cuba in a few weeks and I'm coming from California. I've never shot in humid conditions and I was wondering what the effects of humidity are on the camera and tape stock. I would like to use the Sony's DV Cam 40min. mini tapes because of the better casing. I'm also going to be on a boat for a few days and will have a rain jacket around the camera which may make it hotter. Are there any preventive measures I should take as a result of high humidity?



-- Kristi Reed (, May 30, 2000


I'm had more luck with the Canon than with any Sony camera in humidity. I shot in Cancun on an island and on a boat during rainy weather without many problems.

You're right on the better casing on the Sony tape stock. VERY important.

Be careful with the Canon when you're 1) coming on and off a plane and 2) coming in and out of an air-conditioned environment (the hotel, especially). Be VERY careful. It needs time to "wind down." I carry compressed air and alcohol with me to clean heads, etc. I've gotten horizontal lines on my feedback when the camera doesn't have time to adjust to changes in temperatures. In the case of an out-and-out torrential downpour, I keep a giant air-tight Ziplock bag in my camera case and slip the camera in (inside my case, of course) until the coast is clear. I don't trust so-called "water resistant" bags. I keep silica gel packets in my camera case as well.

Good luck!

-- Bernadette P. (, June 02, 2000.

don't take pictures in Cuba.

-- Yerm Om (, May 31, 2003.

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