Small Line At Bottom Of MPEGs Captured From : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello, I'm using the Dazzel DVC USB version to capture VCD compliant MPEGs from VHS.When I do the capture, I always get a small area of corruption at the bottom of the MPEG. From the limited amount of information I can find about this on the web, it seems this is something specific to VHS, and I'll need to crop and resize the MPEG.
Is this correct, or is there any way to just capture it without the corruption at the bottom and is this problem specific to VHS (sorry, I have a cheap TV with no outputs, so I can't capture some television as an experiment).
Thanks in advance, and please tell me if you need any more information about my system, software, VCR, etc!
-- The n3rd (, May 29, 2000
try the playing with the "vertical" option on the dazzle. This option is under the "adjust" heading
-- Doug (, May 30, 2000.
Doug, that worked great. Thanks for the quick and accurate response!
-- The n3rd (, May 31, 2000.