Can smart cards wear out?? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I've had my Olympus D-340 R for about 6 ot 7 months now and it seems as if the quality of my pictures is worsening. They just aren't as sharp anymore! I haven't changed the resolution on the camera, I always use the same. So I'm wondering if the card is wearing out? Can such a thing happen? I would assume so or they wouldn't be sold in such abundance, but what the heck do I know? Someone shed the light before I go out and blow $25! Thanks, Karen

-- Karen Samford (, May 29, 2000


Smart media might "wear out", but poorer image quality is not the symptom you'd see. The most likely failure would be a bad contact, which would result in an inability to read the card, or intermittent problems.

A gradual change is much more likely to be associated with problems with the lens, with the focusing mechanism, the flash, or with an unintended change in a setting, either on the camera or in your viewing software.

-- Mark Grebner (, May 30, 2000.

did you drop the camera? That can put the lens out of focus. Try holding the camera steady as the button is pressed for sharper pics.

-- benoit (, June 02, 2000.

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