Don Henley : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

I was wondering if Don Henley played "Taking You Home" on the request show. I forgot about it and did not get it turned on until about 8:30, so I was wondering if I missed it, or if he just did not play it.

-- Jenna (, May 29, 2000


Yes, he played it pretty early on. It was an e-mail request; no mention was made of ER. I'm wondering if WB had to get his permission to use it on ER, or if they could just make that decision since they own the show and are his record label. It really doesn't fit into Henley's "Capitalism is evil" mantra to shamelessly plug his new song on a top-rated TV show. Anway, I know that more than answered your question! He played the "full" version of the song, the way it is on the CD, and it was great.

-- Avan (, May 29, 2000.

Jenna, I think A&E is repeating the concert this Friday! Don't have a TV Guide in front of me but check your local listings or

-- Diana (, May 30, 2000.

Avan, what do you mean by the "full version". How is it different from the one they aired on ER.

-- abigail (, May 30, 2000.

Abigail, there is an instrumental interlude towards the end of the song that they spliced out when they used it for ER. I'm sure it was just a matter of timing, and wanting the climax of the song to happen when the scene climaxed (Doug and Carol together; him lifting her up in the air). The song is a lot longer than I expected it to be, which is a good thing! I think the radio version is shorter, too. I've always hated the fact that the radio version of "Heart of the Matter" cuts off the bridge. I guess Don Henley can just be long-winded. (kinda like me). The whole CD is really good. If you like Don Henley, you will like "Inside Job."

-- Avan (, May 30, 2000.

Henley may think capitalism is evil, but if putting that song on ER was a marketing idea, it worked for me. I bought that CD the day it came out! It's pretty good too, but nothing is beating "Taking You Home". I see Doug and Carol in each other's arms every time I hear it!

-- Joanne (, May 30, 2000.

The CD version of "Taking You Home" runs 5:31 in length. It's one of my top songs on the CD but a couple of others have passed it as my favorite now.

-- Diana (, May 30, 2000.

Thanks much evrybody, I did check and they are showing it again on Friday June 2nd at 8:00 P.M. and at 12:00 A.M. on Saturday the 3rd. Just thought I would let you know in case someone else missed it.

-- Jenna (, May 30, 2000.

Avan, you can put your mind at ease: WB would not be able to use the song in ER without Don's permission. I work in the music biz, and the way things like this are done is that the show's producer would need to get the permission of the song's publisher(s) (probably Don himself plus any co-writers) and the owner of the recording (the label) who normally would have to get the artist's permission, especially for someone of Don's stature. I'm sure he got paid handsomely, so I wouldn't worry too much. :)

-- Carla (, May 30, 2000.

Just another Henley alert for anyone interested. Per Entertainment Weekly, he'll be on Letterman next Wednesday (7th). I don't know if he'll sing "Taking You Home" but I bet there's a good chance of it.

-- Diana (, June 02, 2000.

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