Relatives reading my OLJ : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

I've just started an OLJ of my own, and I was considering telling my sister about it. She's always griping about how little I write or call, and this might pacify her in that regard. Let her know that I'm not 'dead in a ditch' so to speak. And since I did sneak a few glances at her diary when I was a child, this seems only fair. :-)

Since this forum is full of intelligent OLJ type folks, I was wondering if anyone else has let their family read their journal, and how that worked out.

Thanks for the feedback and thank you Beth for running such an excellent site.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000


Yes, my family members know, and a few read. My mother and brother for sure, both of whom say they enjoy it. My sister was recently given the URL, but I'm not too sure how web-literate she is.

It works out fine for me. I'm already fairly selective about my writing topics (ie, not too much TMI, and nothing that would interest your average Sally Jessy Raphael viewer) so there's really nothing there that I'd be worried about them seeing.

After all, it's a public format. Anyone on the planet with a modem can get in. That's why there's a difference between what I write in my OLJ and what gets hidden in the burn-before-reading paper journal.

My friend Mae made a point of saying that "text is promiscuous"- you never know where it's going to end up. So, be careful what you choose to hang out for everyone to see.

And Olwen, good luck with the journal!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

My family was the first to know...but back then my journal wasn't much. I do censor myself abit, knowing they will read it, and sometimes wish I had an anonymous journal, with no friends or family reading. But I'm happy with what I have and only cringe when my father tells me long distance "You really shouldn't use the "F" word".

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Whether you decide to tell your sister about it or not, definitely write as if she'll be reading it. Write as if everyone in the world will read it. I speak from experience.

(Totally off-topic: Hey, Ann! You don't know me, but I've been looking at your site coz we have a mutual friend. I started with the party pics and have been slowly exploring from there.)

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

I agree with Gwen - whatever you put up on the web, just assume that everyone in the world has access to it, and that inevitably some people who you'd rather not see it WILL see it.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

My sisters both read, and my sweetie! It's a good way for my sisters to know what's up with me. If I fall behind, my sweetie urges me to catch up, so he can know what he's been doing.

I've always kept my journal on the level of a letter to a friend, so I haven't had problems with privacy.

My boss reads sometimes, and a columnist at my work site gets a big kick from reading it too.

Anita of Anita's BOD and Anita's LOL

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

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