"Buffy" Fight Choreographer's Not-So-Subtle "Parable"greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Im sure that those of you who are Buffy fans are familiar with stunt coordinator Jeff Pruitts work on the show, and know of his long-standing relationship with Sarah Michelle Gellars stand-in/stuntwoman Sophia Crawford. Well, Jeff got fired, Sophies staying on, and all is not right in the land of WB.Behold, Pruitts Parable of a Knight. Most amusing, most scary, most decidedly posting it was a bad move on his part.
Scroll down for cool behind the scenes action stills. Sheesh.
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000
Sheesh indeed. Quite a story.However, names are not named- not even his own. Without the pics, it doesn't seem especially actionable.
Can't help but wonder how you found the URL, Sally?
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000
I linked to it in the weblog the other day, Cameron ... but it's been all over the net. I've seen it on three or four different Buffy boards for a few weeks now.
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000
I'm so outta the loop! Guess I better check those 'blogs more often...
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000
Sorry, Beth, I didnt realize youd already linked it in your weblog. Its been all over the net, but I hadnt, which is why I thought it was news and so posted a link to it here.I have a friend who hangs out on the sites posting board (two years ago she led me by the nose to LA for the posting board party, which was a riot), and she sent it to me just last night attached to an all caps HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!? frantic message.
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000