Photojournalism 10 mo education programs in : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I am planning to pursue an education in photojournalism/photography. There are three interesting programs in Vancover/Victoria region of BC 1) Focalpoint 2) AMPRO 3) Academy Of Photography/Journalism in VictoriaAfter completing any one of these ten month intensive programs. What type of additional education is really necessary to work within the field? Can you provide some direction on usefull study paths?
-- Ronald R Richard (JOLORI@UNIDIAL.COM), May 27, 2000
Hi:I hope I can help you in your journey as a photojournalist. I have worked as a photojournalist for about twenty years .... I started when I was 15........ Being a good photojournalist takes some schooling. Master the tech. stuff so you can work your camera with out thinking about the machine. The learning starts when you decide to make meaningful images that are filled with emotion. The picture you make must tell the story and make the viewer feel the story. You learn that by making pictures. Make four good images everyday and whatever school you go to it will help. To get a job as a photojournalist you must be GOOD having a BS will help, but most of all make pictures of news events. Look at the work of the heroes of photojournalism....Alfred Eisenstaedt, W. Eugene Smith, Learn their style and bring it to your way of seeing. First you learn to see, feel, know light, and then the camera. Peace Charles
-- Charles Finlat (, June 04, 2000.