greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

May 26, 2000

Dear ICE Subscriber:

CROSSED FINGERS, my book on the history of how the Northern Presbyterian Church was subverted by theological liberalism, is now on-line. You may download it free of charge. Go to:


It was not just the Presbyterians who got taken over. My book documents how the two John D. Rockefellers, father and son, bankrolled this infiltration program in American Protestantism, beginning around 1900. John D. Jr. spent $100 million on the plan, back when the dollar was worth 10 to 20 times what it is today. By 1940, the battle was basically over in the North's mainline denominations, with the exception of Missouri Synod Lutherans, where the battle is still going on.

Chapter 7 will interest non-Presbyterians. It shows how big-city newspapers, especially the NEW YORK TIMES, systematically beat up William Jennings Bryan, beginning in 1922, for his attack on Darwinism in the public schools. The media were not ready to tolerate this democratic experiment in taxpayer-controlled education.

The book also presents the true story of the Scopes Trail. Fact: high school substitute teacher John T. Scopes never actually taught evolution prior to the 1925 "monkey" trial. The 1960 movie, "Inherit the Wind," got the story about 98% wrong. It was not some bonehead fundamentalist pastor who got Scopes arrested. It was the American Civil Liberties Union. The trial was deliberately set up as a precedent-setting trial by the ACLU, whose chief lawyer instructed the jury to convict Scopes, which the jury did. The ACLU planned to get the case overturned by the Supreme Court. Its legal strategy backfired for four decades. The ACLU's lawyers did not dare put Scopes on the witness stand because he would have to admit under cross-examination that he did not do the deed. Scopes never did testify.

This was also the first media-orchestrated show trial in modern history. Here is how the case against Bryan was won -- in the media, not in the courts. I provide lots of footnotes to prove how the media did it and why.

Bryan opposed Darwinism, beginning in 1921, because of Darwin's hatred of charitable poor relief, which subsidized the "less fit." (I include some choice extracts from a conveniently forgotten book 1922 by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, that agreed with Darwin -- in language you will hardly believe!)

Chapter 7 also tells a long-suppressed story of American liberalism's commitment to Nordic racist supremacy, an idea based on a movement called eugenics. Eugenics -- the scientific creation of a super-race -- was invented by Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton. Galton's writings received published support from Darwin as early as 1865. American liberalism bought into this movement whole hog from 1900 until about 1938.

Not many people know that Nazi Germany's 1933 law mandating forced sterilization of "misfits" was based on state laws in the U.S.A., which went into Indiana's law book as early as 1909. These laws were upheld by an 8-1 decision in 1927 by the U.S. Supreme Court. You don't find any discussion in American history textbooks regarding this Hitler connection. (If Hitler had won the war in Europe before the U.S. got into it, you would.)

For a review of the book by Rev. G. I. Williamson, click here:


He recommends that every officer in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church read the book. The book shows how J. Gresham Machen and a handful of dedicated people were forced out of the older denomination in 1936. Now that the book is available for free, more OPC officers will be able to afford it. But they will have to pay for a lot of paper and toner if they don't like to read on-screen!

There may be a few discrepancies between the posted version and the printed version. The posted version is from my computer file. I was updating the text for the printed version almost to the day we sent it to the printers. I did not make every change on my disk version, unfortunately. My secretary has gone through the HTML version, updating footnotes. I doubt that anyone will be misled by the HTML version. We will post a PDF version soon, I hope, so that you can verify all passages and obtain the original pagination for academic footnoting purposes.

I wrote this book to serve as a case study on how theological liberals infiltrate conservative denominations. The process is still going on. It is spearheaded, unknowingly, by conservative pastors who are not very concerned about theology and confessions. They weaken the resistance of the denomination against those with a liberal agenda. The process usually begins in a denomination's seminaries and colleges.

If you know a pastor who is trying to form a defense against this process, please forward a copy of this letter to him.

ICE published the hardback version of CROSSED FINGERS (1,134 pages) in 1996. There are still a few copies available for $34.95. (Pastors and church officers pay $17.50 if they order the book on church letterhead stationery.) Send your order to:

Institute for Christian Economics P. O. Box 8000

-- The Shadow (shadow@knows.org), May 27, 2000



-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), May 27, 2000.

Thank you for the message. I know about Margaret Sanger. She was a bad person who has caused alot of harm, since she passed on. Others should read more they maybe surprized.

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), May 27, 2000.

Fer Chrissake, Charlie...toggle your capslock key, willya?

-- (creeper@creepy.con), May 27, 2000.

Doesn't anyone find it ironic that Gary North has called his organization ICE?

-- (looking@looking.now), May 27, 2000.


Excuse me, but I am new to the forum. Are we talking about Gary North?


-- Gregor (Gregor10001@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

Gary North = Scary Gary = IceTyler = Head of ICE = Scambag = weirdo doomer = youdon'treallywannaknowanymore

-- (where'smy@salt.org), May 27, 2000.

If it wasn't for the fact that Gary's flock take this hokum seriously, it would be funny.

WTF, it IS funny. You know, I bet I could do a great hatchet job on any living or dead person who wrote anything greater than a couple of letters during their life. Gary's technique is simple, and very common, you just ignore the fact that people GROW.

Hell, Lincoln is on record during the debates with Douglas as saying that he did not favor equality for negroes as he thought they were inherently unequal! Did he believe that in his later years? No, but the Gary technique would certainly make for a fine hatchet job on Mr. Lincoln, now wouldn't it?

It just comes down to this, do you judge people by what they wrote in their younger years, or do you judge them by their lifetime body of work? And if you want to do the former, please be consistent, and then explain whether or not you changed your position on Clarence Thomas being on the Supreme Court when you became consistent. After all, if you take the crap he wrote in college, he isn't fit to be on the court.

-- Paul Davis (davisp1953@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

How do we know that Doctor North didn't write this several years ago? Perhaps he no longer believes this. I'm sure we could go back a few months and read some of your writings on how bad y2k was going to get and embarrass you as well. Not that you believe any of that nonsense after the roll over.

-- The Sillohuette (hiding@in.shadows), May 28, 2000.

Silhoutte Fool.

In 1998 and 1999 while "leading by misleading" all the Doom Zombies about Y2k, The Head Co-Fear Leader was writing and publishing 5 (right five) books about his real agenda.

In case you don't know what that it, he wants the end of the US Constitutional form of Government and our system for **Gary North's Church State" i.e. a Dictatorship with no rights for "non-Believers".

Considering how many people died that will be honored this weekend to prevent that the term Scumbag for North is a compliment.


-- The Shadow (shadow@knows.org), May 28, 2000.

The Shadow does indeed Know.

Absolutely correct, Shadow.

(BTW, how is Margo?)

-- (retired@nd.happy), May 28, 2000.

Margot is fine as are most of our friends.

AFAIK, only Kato has been feeling poorly recently and the Green Hornet had to train a new driver.

He gave a clown named Chuck a trial but fired him after a few hours of night driving. Guy drove with blinders on.

-- The Shadow (shadow@knows.org), May 29, 2000.

Charles P. Reuben is a closet transvestite posing as comic book superheros so that he can wear his green spandex tights in public.

-- (Bird@legs.too), May 29, 2000.

Naw Bird. CEEP's a straight shooter with an enemy identification problem. Kinda like Milne.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), May 29, 2000.

ROFLMAO! Yep, Milne and cpr...birds of a feather.

-- (Bird@legs.too), May 29, 2000.

LINK for the "get over it gang"
http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl? msg_id=003FbU

-- Anon (anon@anon.anon), May 31, 2000.

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